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Multimedia & Animation Technology: Video Capture
Curtis Green,
Waxahachie High School, Texas
Name: ______________________Period: ________________Points:________________
Grading: A=90-100, B=80-89, C=70-79, F=0-69
Section I. 75points MAX. You must get 70 points here to move to section II.
- Listen to the Lecture/take notes 5 pts/day 1 2 3 4 5
- Check out a video camera and film an autobiographical video of yourself. Include your name, age, best physical feature, your favorite food, your favorite place to eat, describe your best friend and why, two conflicts you have in your life, where you go to feel the safest, and what you want to be doing five years from now. You will have to capture this on the computer to receive full credit. 15 pts.
- Create an album cover for your CD case and have it printed in color. Use one of the following themes for your artwork; Rock-n-Roll, Country, Religion, Hip Hop, Jazz & Blues, Alternative Rock. Now create a new cover using one of the other themes that you have not used. Turn both of them in to receive full credit. 15 pts.
- Watch Chapters 1 thru 7 on the Video titled "Advanced Broadcast Camera Techniques" and take notes. When you have watched the video practice the techniques discussed. You should provide an example of the five camera placements and WALLDO in your practice video. 30 pts.
- Find two websites that discuss Camera Techniques. Find two different techniques on each site that give different information. Explain why the websites might have different information. 15 pts.
- Write a 10 sentence paragraph on the differences between Analog and Digital Video. Read it to 2 other classmates. Your paragraph can be in any language OTHER than English. If you are taking a foreign language have your teacher provide written proof of accuracy for full credit. 15 pts.
- Complete Activity's one and two in the Non-Linear Video notebook. Turn in a completed copy of each of the daily Responses and a completed copy of the Pre-Test. Be prepared to defend your answers. 15 pts.
- How is Non-Linear Video editing different from Linear editing (List three differences)? How are they the same (list three similarities)? 10 pts.
- Learn ten vocabulary words from the flash card deck. Be prepared to give the definition of five of them to me orally. 10 pts.
Section II. "B" level. Choose one of the following for 10 points.
- Capture four minutes of raw footage for a highlight film. Save it in the proper folder on our server. This footage may be from any of the existing tapes that are in my video library or filmed in class. You may check out a camera to use at home.
- Capture four minutes of raw footage for a music video. Save it in the proper folder on our server. You may film during class or you may check out a camera to use at home.
- Capture four minutes of raw footage for a news cast video. Save it in the proper folder on our server. You may film during class or you may check out a camera to use at home.
Section III. "A" level. Choose ONE of the following for 20 points.
Write a 2 page Opinion paper on Copy Right violations.
Write a 2 page Opinion paper on the Responsibilities of movie makers.
Research the current role of the Federal Communication Commission. Write a letter to your state Representative arguing either for or against the continued funding of this program.