Unit One - Introduction to World Religions
[HS juniors]
Corethia Qualls, Judge Memorial High School, SLC, Utah
Once you have read Chapter 1 and have seen the video "A Still, Small voice," please write an essay according to these specifications:
For a C -form
- 10 points typewritten 1" margins all four sides - double-spaced 10-12 point type, not bold face.
in-text references with list of sources in proper form
no extra spaces between paragraphs
3 minor grammatical or spelling errors allowed before deductions
- length and tone - 10 points
two pages minimum, five pages maximum
must be in your own words unless you are quoting a source you
- basic information
- 50 points answer each of these questions: What is spirituality? Who does it? Why do they do it? What is religion, in all its components? Is it different from spirituality? If so, how: if not why not?
For a B - assimilation
- 15 points answer the following questions in addition to all of the above:
How does the basic information (above) relate to the religion I practice? (Or to my lack of practice?) How does the basic information relate to the human condition?
For an A - synthesis - 15 points answer the following questions in addition to all of the above: Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going?