"guru of violent behavior research", Adrian Raine, suggests
three intervention strategies for reducing violence and violent
behavior in our communities.
- biofeedback training sessions for adolescents who show lower
than normal physical arousal. Studies show that 15yr old males
who show particularly low arousal (for example, don't startle
easily) are predisposed to criminal and violent behavior when
they reach their mid-twenties. On-the-other-hand, antisocial
adolescents who show high arousal response, appear to outgrow
or overcome their violent tendencies by their mid-twenties.
Second - cognitive therapy (re-train the thinking process) of
people who appear to have damage or dysfunction in the pre-frontal
cortex. This region of the brain has been shown time and again
to be responsible for violent behavior. Third - Improved pre-natal
follow-up following birth complications. Research indicates
a correlation between birth complications coupled with a mother's
rejection around age one, and violent crime during adolescence.