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18 years of publication, 17,000+ subscribers                 Tuesday, January 6, 2015

News and updates to Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum Sites for Educatiors:  

http://Help4Teachers.com          http://Brains.org 

  • If the Thought of Flipping Your Classroom Makes You Dizzy, Tip it Sideways Instead
  • Hot Topic:  Middle School Students Experience Pressure for Gender Conformity from Peers
  • Quote of the Week
  • Misc Chatter & Workshop News

If The Thought of Flipping Your Classroom Makes You Dizzy, Tip it Sideways Instead

Several years ago, educators and education media were enthusiastically talking about Flipped Classrooms. A flipped or inverted classroom is one in which a teacher takes what was a traditional classroom in the last century - one where we all lectured to students during classtime and then expected that homework was completed outside of class time - and flip the whole thing.


The idea behind it makes sense, given the technology that became available over the past 20 years. In fact, teachers felt pressure from students, parents and the community to utilize technology in order to make better use of school time. So, the theory was that In a flipped classroom, lectures could be recorded and uploaded online. Students would watch these as homework at home outside the school day. Then the actual class time would be spent on interaction between students and teachers, doing question and answers and assignment drills.


However, while the flipped classroom was discussed in the media, online PD sessions and trade books, the reality was that out in the trenches, we were not seeing this happening much. So while many of us could appreciate the vision and understand the possibility, the reality was that the thought of flipping our classroom was logistically quite overwhelming.


There are several reasons that this vision could not translate well into reality.

Keep Reading

HOT TOPIC: Middle School Students Experience Pressure for Gender Conformity from Peers

Peers play a strong role in gender identity as it develops through middle school years. Researchers compared "between" and "within" gender peer influence on gender identity in 7th and 8th grade students in a longitudinal study. They found that between gender peer bias and pressure for conformity was a strong influence on gender identity. Interestingly, while the middle school students felt pressure for gender conformity from peers of the gender different than their own, there appeared to be no such influence from same gendered peers for gender identity during this developmental period.   Citation at the website.  


More Hot Topics & Tips at the Brains.org Website and via my Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/kathienunley



BEST SELLER For the Fall:  Our "Newsletter Subscribers Special"  

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Layered Curriculum Text & Workbook Combo 



Quote of the Week


 I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear." -- Martin Luther King, Jr               


Misc Chatter & Workshop News

Greetings on this blustery and bleak autumn day. Looking outside my window, I can watch the last straggling leaves falling against the silver sky. It's a day that warns of the approaching winter. And it seems suited to the mood of our country this week.


But as an inspirational person once taught me, it is better to focus on the donut and not the hole, so let me take this opportunity to wish all my friends, family and colleagues here in the US a blessed and bountiful Thanksgiving holiday. I hope it brings you love and joy and all the other wonderful emotions surrounding family.


My workshop schedule is winding down now through the holidays. But I want to remind everyone that I still have room on my late winter and spring calendar for workshops in 2017. So if you are looking to bring new ideas for student-centered, technology-infused classrooms to your school, just email me for a brochure of  2017 Workshop Offerings and Costs


Also, a reminder to those of you in the South Africa region who would like to tag onto the March 2017 workshop in Phokeng (I'll be at the Lebone College of the Royal Bafokeng on March 20), let me know so we can get you on that calendar  



As always, my best to you and yours,



Dr Kathie F Nunley

Layered Curriculum(R) . . . because every child deserves a special education (tm)






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