_Transform your Classroom with
Layered Curriculum®. . . because every child deserves a special education_


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About Kathie

Welcome to the "Learning Center" Here you will find a wide assortment of articles, how-tos and general tips on a variety of educational psychology topics. Feel free to browse and share.

Psychology for Parents and Teachers

Five Best Practices for Any High School
New Research Suggests Strategy for Working with Children At-Risk for Autism
Top Tips for Brain Health and Function
Three Things All Teachers Should Do to Transform Lives
Getting Rid of Problem Behaviors WITHOUT Punishment
Get Them Moving: The Benefits of Movement-Infused Learning
The 5 Most Important Things to Do in a Child's First 2 Years
Working With Reluctant Learners
Create Goal-Focused Positive Classrooms
Genius, Creativity and Intelligence - where are they located?

Teaching Digital Natives

How To Create Self-Motivated Learners

Brain Biology: it's basic gardening

Why Punishment - Based Systems Don't Work

Stress and Memory

Your brain on Drugs

Learn Layered Curriculum®
Anyone can learn. It's simple, easy to start and puts the FUN back in teaching!
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Lesson Plan Design: Move the horse in front of the cart
Differentiating Your High School Classroom
If the Thought of Flipping Your Classroom Makes You Dizzy, Tip It Sideways Instead
Kathie Nunley's Layered Curriculum®: Five simple steps.
Layered Curriculum - A quick overview of the easiest way to teach in a mixed-ability classroom
Layered Curriculum®: In a Nutshell

Rules of Thumb to Avoid making the 5 most popular mistakes!

If We Must use Grades, Let's Make Them Reliable

Gaining control of your classroom.

Holding Students Accountable

In Defense of the Oral Defense - Featured in ASCD's Classroom Leadership

Rubrics - Be clear on expectations

Take the Test - Are You a Layered Curriculum Teacher?


Working with Populations with Alternative and Exceptional Needs
Inclusion: Yes, it can be done successfully

Alternative Strategies for the Clipboard Student-Behavior-Chart

Dealing with or Avoiding Problem Behavior in the Classroom
Four Steps to Handling Meltdown Moments with Students on the Autism Spectrum
Alternatives to School Planners, Agendas and Assignment Books (for ADHD et al)
Asperger's and PDD Gone! Now What? The new Autism Spectrum Disorder
NEW: The Advantages of Bilingualism

The Research on Reading

Helping Johnnie Read through Jr/Sr High School

Uniquely Gifted - by design

Working with learning styles

How and why the Regular Classroom is Changing.
How to include limited English proficiency students
How to include students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in your classroom.
How to include students with learning disabilities in your regular classroom.

Topics Specific to Adolescence

Do These Kids EVER Sleep?

Adolescent depression and self-esteem.

Money as a Reward

Drug Effects on the Brain

The Caffeine Craze of Youth

How the adolescent brain challenges the adult brain

You're Feeling Very Sleepy

Keeping Pace with Today's Quick Brains

Articles on School Issues
Feel free to use any of these articles for your campus, school, district or PTA newsletter. Please use them in their entirety including the closing informational statement.
All Articles by Kathie F. Nunley

Multiple Intelligences - 25 Years In
You Can Learn A Lot From the School Bathroom
Stopping the School-to-Prison Pipeline
Five Reasons Why the Economic Downturn Could be Good for You and Your School

Have Schools Become Historical Museums?

Community Strategies for Reducing violence

Choice - The forgotten basic human right.

Commercial Influence In Schools

The benefits of interdisciplinary instruction

Active Research Leads to Active Classrooms. NASSP's Principal Leadership.

Layered Curriculum is a trademark created and owned by Dr. Kathie F. Nunley.
Copyright © 1998 - current year by Kathie F. Nunley.
All Rights Reserved.
See usage guidelines.

