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Struggling Readers - Help for Parents

Are you parenting or working with a struggling reader? You are certainly not alone! The new NICD report released this year shows that 45% of the 9 year olds in America are reading disabled - a staggering statistic.

This page is designed to help educators and parents in their quest for successful therapy and programs to help get our struggling readers back on track.

A special thanks to reading specialist, Nanci Ross* whose assistance makes this page possible.

Articles by Nanci:

Suggested materials & websites

**PACE - Processing and Cognitive enhancement
(ADD-Dyslexia). Parent program - BRAINSKILLS
available at www.learninginfo.com

Sensational Strategies for Teaching Beginning Readers.

"See, Hear, Feel the Difference" Jeanne Liuzzo & Bronwyn Hain. ($90.00)
available from orton-gillingham.com

Multisensory Reading, Spelling and Penmanship Program. ($200.00) grades K-12. Software based on Orton-Gillingham. available at: www.epsbooks.com

Earobics Step 1 & 2 ($59.00)
Software fro phonics ages 4-9.
available from www.the-add-clinic.com

Lexia - Phonics based reading software for ages 5 - 8
($119)available from www.the-add-clinic.com



*Nanci Ross is a reading specialist in Salt Lake City, Utah

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