20th Century II: 1945-1950
Dan Gordon
Salem-Keizer Public Schools
McKay High School
Name___________________ Period_______
Parent Signature_________
Welcome to our new Layered Curriculum
unit. This will take us from the end of WWII to the beginning
of the decade of the 1950's. Again, you will have your choice
of tasks from the "C", "B", and "A" levels. It is not necessary
to have completed your "C" level tasks before you begin to
work on your "B" or "A" tasks, but you can not get higher
than a C grade without completing the "C" level. Due dates
are posted on the board, and you will be given the scoring
rubrics for the tasks. If you wish to substitute a task that
you create, you may do so as long as it is cleared with Mr.
Gordon prior to you beginning the task.
"C" Level Tasks. Choose any 4 of the
Take notes on Mr. Gordon's mini lectures.
Organize (preferably type) those notes and turn them in. The
oral exam will be from 5 to 10 questions. (20 pts ______/______)
1 Read the first 3 sections of Chapter
26 in the World History: Continuity and Change text
book. Complete the "Identify" questions
in each section review. (20 pts ______/______)
1 Watch the movie, Judgement at Nuremberg.
Write a two page typed paper on the trials that
took place there. Include a paragraph
on the treatment of those trials by the movie and a
paragraph on whose performance you found
to be the most effective.(20 pts______/______)
1 Study Winston Churchill's famous "Iron
Curtain" speech. Prepare a 3 minute rebuttal to be given to
the United Nations General Assembly by the Soviet Ambassador.
This will meet the state CIM requirement and will judged using
CIM scoring guides. This task provides one of your opportunities
to meet this benchmark. (20 pts______/______)
1 "George Marshall's plan to rebuild
Europe after WWII was a direct result of the failure of both
the Treaty of Versailles and United States foreign policy
following WWI." Assess the validity of this statement. Write
an essay on this prompt. It is to fit the format that will
meet the state standards for the CIM requirement. State scoring
guides will be used to correct it. This task provides one
of the opportunities to meet this benchmark.
(20 pts ______/_______)
1 Find 4 Norman Rockwell paintings or
magazine covers that portray life in the U.S. between 1946
and 1950. Accompany each with a brief explanation of what
Rockwell was trying to say about post war life in the U.S.
(20 pts ______/_______)
1 Provide two wall maps (3 feet by 4
feet) that show the Middle East prior to and after the
creation of Israel. Accompany this with
a brief (one page typed) explanation of why the United Nations
believed this creation of a Jewish state was a viable alternative
and why it instead created problems. (20 pts ______/_______)