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Study Skills- Fact and Opinion

Adrian L. Sorrell and Helen Griffin, ESC Region 4, Texas


Name: Due Date:


C Layer: Maximum 65 points in this section.

1. Take notes on fact and opinion lecture. 5 points

2. Give examples of facts and opinions. 15 points

3. Complete fact and opinion worksheet. 15 points

4. Examine a local newspaper to find opinionated words and phrases. 15 points

5. Clip headlines from a local newspaper to place on a Facts and Opinions bulletin board. 15 points

B Layer: Choose one. Maximum 20 points in this section.

1. Write a three paragraph essay about your favorite TV show or music artist.

2. Edit a peer's article for facts and opinions.

3. Prepare a PowerPoint demonstration to teach fact and opinion questions.

A Layer: Choose one. Maximum 20 points in this section.

1. Design a twenty question structure interview for an expert in a field of your choice. Select an interviewee and record a live interview (using audio or audio/video technology). Script the interview. Analyze the interview for facts and opinions

2. Analyze a review of a popular movie. Which of the reviewer's statements are facts and which are opinion?

3. What is better, the Harry Potter books or the movies?

4. What is your favorite sport? Give reasons why.

Grade Scale: 0-40 = F

41-55 = D

56-70 = C

71-85 = B

86-100 = A

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