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Energy of Waves - Updated

Carrie Latesky
Birch Run, MI

Understanding By Design

Unit Design


Energy of Waves 

Developed by

Lori Hall & Carrie Latesky

Updated 2007-2008

Carrie Latesky 


The Logic of Backward Design 

Understanding By Design

Unit Design Worksheet 

    Unit Title:  The Energy of  Waves   Subject/Course:  Science
    Topic:  Waves Grade(s):  7 Staff Name:  Carrie Latesky
Stage 1 - Desired Results
    Established Goals:
  • Explain how mechanical waves transfer energy.  (IV.4.6)
  • Describe the motion of vibrating objects.  (IV.4.5)

Students will understand that...

  • A wave is a disturbance that transmits energy.
  • The particles of a medium do not travel with the wave.
  • Mechanical waves require a medium, but electromagnetic waves do not.
  • Amplitude is the maximum distance the particles of a medium vibrate from their rest position.
  • Wavelength is the distance between two adjacent corresponding parts of a wave.
  • Frequency is the number of waves that pass a given point in a given amount of time.
  • Wave speed can be calculated by multiplying the wave’s wavelength by the frequency.
  • Refraction is the bending of a wave when it passes through different media.
Essential Questions:
  • How may the motion of vibrating objects be described by frequency, period and amplitude?
  • How do mechanical waves transfer energy?
  • How is energy transferred through a medium?
Students will know...
  • Particles in a transverse wave vibrate perpendicularly to the direction the wave travels.
  • Particles in a longitudinal wave vibrate parallel to the direction that the wave travels.
  • Waves reflect after hitting a barrier.
  • Waves bend around barriers or through openings during diffraction.
  • The result of two or more waves overlapping is called interference.
  • Amplitude increases during constructive interference and decreases during destructive interference.
  • Resonance occurs when a vibrating object causes another object to vibrate at one of its resonant frequencies.
Students will be able to... 
  • Describe how waves transfer energy without transferring matter.
  • Distinguish between waves that require a medium and waves that do not.
  • Explain the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves.
  • Identify and describe four wave properties.
  • Explain how frequency and wavelength are related to the speed of a wave.
  • Describe reflection, refraction, diffraction and interference.
  • Describe resonance and give some examples.
Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence
Performance Tasks: (Summary in GRASPS form) 

Unit Test on Waves, R.A.F.T. 

Key Criteria: 

A=99+   B=98-86  C=85-77  D=76-66 

Other Evidence:  Observations, Student-Teacher Dialog (oral defense), work samples, lab reports 

    Name ________________________________ Date __________________ Due Date ________ 

    The Energy of Waves 

    Late work will be assigned 50% of the assignment value.  If you must be absent on the due date, make arrangements with your teacher before then, or ask someone to turn it in for you on the due date. 

    Directions—Examine the possible activities you can do to learn the unit objectives.  Each assignment has a point value based on the amount of time and effort necessary to complete the task.  Items marked in bold are required assignments.  If you have questions, ASK!   

    Total points available:  A= 99+  B= 98-86, C= 85-77, D=76-66 

    5 pts (apply to C Layer):  PARENT SIGNATURE:  ________________________________________________________



    Text:  Holt Science and Technology, Short Course O:  Sound and Light   

    C Layer: Maximum 80 points

    _____ Energetic Waves (Motivator Activity pg. 3) 5 points

    • Tie one end of a piece of rope to the back of a chair.  Hold the other end in one hand, and stand away from the chair so that the rope is almost straight but is not pulled tight.  Move the rope up and down quickly to create a wave.  Repeat this step several times. 
    • What are your observations? 
      • In which direction does the wave move? 
      • How does the movement of the rope compare with the movement of the wave? 
      • Where does the energy from the wave come from?

    _____ Class Notes 5 points for each day  Day1   Day 2   Day 3  

    Select Three from the following (One from each group) 

    GROUP #1_____ The Nature of Waves Directed Reading  (worksheet pgs. 4-9)  10 points


                       _____ Section Reviews  (page 9)  10 points 

    GROUP #2_____ Properties of Waves Directed Reading  (worksheet pgs. 10-13)  10 points


                       _____ Section Reviews  (page 13)  10 points 

    GROUP #3_____ Wave Interactions Directed Reading (worksheet pgs. 14-19)  10 points


                      _____ Section Reviews  (page 19)  10 points 

    Choose & complete one of the following: 

    _____ Vocabulary Chart 15 points Your chart must include all 14 terms. 






    Transverse Wave 

    Longitudinal Wave 




    Wave Speed 





    Standing Wave 

    Mechanical Wave 

    Choose & complete one of 

    the following:   

    _____ Vocabulary Chart  15 points  Your chart must include all 14 terms. 







    Transverse Wave 

    Longitudinal Wave 




    Wave Speed 





    Standing Wave 

    Mechanical Wave 

    _____ Vocabulary Flash Cards  15 points

    Create a pair of flash cards for each of the terms listed above.  Word on one card, a definition or picture on the second.  Play 3 matches of concentration with 3 different people.  You must get a signature from each opponent. 

    Choose & complete one of the following: 

    _____ Internet Activity  5 points

    Do Internet Activity on page 7.  Answer the questions completely. 

    _____ SciLinks Activity:  The nature of waves  5 points

    Investigate the nature of waves using the keyword HSM1017.  Complete the worksheet from the teacher. 

    _____ Figure 1 (page 4)  5 points

    Imagine you are on the leaf shown in Figure 1. 

    • Describe your motions.  How could you get to shore?  Would the waves carry you to shore?

    _____ Constructing a Transverse Wave  5 points  (pg.11)

    • Use yarn and tape to construct a transverse wave on a piece of construction paper.
    • Create another transverse wave below the first but increase the amplitude of the wave while keeping it’s frequency constant.
    • Explain what increasing the amplitude represents.
    • Construct another wave but change the frequency.
    • What happened to the wavelength when the frequency was changed?

    _____ Standardized Test Prep  5 points

    Complete the Standardized Test Prep on pages 24 & 25

    _____ Interpreting Graphics  5 points 

    Use the diagram of waves a. b. and c. in question #18 on page 23 to answer the following questions:

    1. Which wave has the longest period?  How did you know?
    2. Which wave has the greatest amplitude?  How did you know?
    3. Which wave has the highest frequency?  How did you know?
    4. Which wave has the highest pitched sound?  How did you know?

    _____ Crossword Puzzle  10 points

    Create a crossword puzzle using all 14 chapter vocabulary words.  The puzzle must contain a clue for each term.  An answer key must be provided. 

    _____ Concept Map  (pg. 23)  10 points

    Design a blank concept map using the terms provided in problem #13 on page 23.  Provide an answer key. 

    B Layer—20 points to move to A Layer

    _____ Pitch of a Rubber band 10 points (pg.10)

    • Pluck a rubber band so that it makes a tone.  Change the length of the rubber band so that the tone changes pitch. 
    • Explain what caused the pitch change.

    _____ Wave Examples 10 points (pg.8)

    Reconstruct the following chart and complete it for 10 examples of waves that you can find in everyday life.

    Example of Wave

    What makes it a wave?

    Transverse, Longitudinal or Surface Wave? 




    _____ Musical Instrument 20 points

    Using a shoebox and 3 to 4 rubber bands, design and build a musical instrument. 10 pts.  Play a recognizable song.  

    _____ Waves are Child’s Play  10 points

    Find a child’s toy that makes sound.  Investigate the differences in pitch and loudness and how they can be changed.  Present your findings to the class. 

    _____ Skills Practice Lab 20 points

    Complete the Skills Practice Lab on pages 20-21. 

    _____ Research Resonance  10 points (pg.18)

    Conduct research to learn how resonance affects the sounds produced by different musical instruments.  Share your results by writing a report, by making a poster, or by playing a musical instrument.  

    _____ Career Research  10 points (pg.11)

    Research examples of jobs where a person would need to figure out amplitude, wavelength, frequency, or wave speed.  Report your findings in an informational poster to be shared with the class. 

    _____ Power Point  10 points

    Design a presentation that informs the viewer of the following things:  What a wave is, the different part of a wave, describe the differences between a transverse wave and a longitudinal wave, identify and describe four wave properties. 

    _____ Skit 10 points

    Along with 2 or 3 of your classmates, demonstrate the properties of a longitudinal wave and a transverse wave, be creative, and use props.   

    _____ Study Guide Review 10 points 

    Layer A 

    _____ R.A.F.T.  20 points 



    Earthquake Survivor

    Letter of support

    Waves affect us all 


    Middle School Student

    Space Aliens


    Medium is not just a size 



    Someone newly hired

    An important email

    There’s a difference between constructive & destructive interference 



    6:00 Newscast Audience

    A news story

    Timing is everything 



    Middle School student

    Comic Strip

    Not all waves are the same 


    Sound wave

    Other sound waves


    We can’t last forever 




    Classified Ad

    I need you 


    Paula Abdul

    American Idol Contestant

    Try out criticism

    Work on your waves 




    Worksheet (with answer sheet)

    Transverse and Longitudinal wave similarities & differences 


    Fishing Boat



    Motion of the Ocean 

    All students will complete the Waves and Vibrations Test for a possible 30 points.  Students will also be expected to orally defend vocabulary and main topics they learned in this unit. 

Understanding By Design

Unit Design Worksheet 

    Essential Vocabulary
    Mechanical Waves-wave that must have a medium to travel through.

    Wavelength-the distance from any point on a wave to an identical point on the next wave.

    Amplitude-the maximum distance that the particles of a wave’s medium vibrate from their rest position.

    Frequency-the number of waves produced in a given amount of time.

    Speed-the speed at which a wave travels through a medium.

    Transverse Waves-a wave in which the particles of the medium move perpendicularly to the direction the wave is traveling.

    Longitudinal/compressional waves-a wave in which the particles of the medium vibrate parallel to the direction of wave motion. 

    Sequencing the Learning
    Day 1 

    Motivation Activity

    Energetic Waves Pgs.3-9 

    Explanation of Unit

    Section 1 Notes 

    *Entire class participates

    Day 2

    The Nature of Waves Pg.4-9   Section 1

    Directed Reading or Section Review

    Individual work

    Day 3 

    Level C work day

    Students work individually

    Day 4

    Properties of Waves  Pgs.10-13

    Section 2  Notes

    Individual work or notes

    Day 5

    Directed Reading or Section Review

    Level C work day

    Students work individually

    Day 6 

    Wave Interactions


    Section 3 Notes 

    Individual work or notes 

    Day 7

    Lab prep material accessible

    Level C/B work day

    Directed Reading or Section Review

    Individual or lab work

    Day 8

    Level C/B work day 

    Individual or lab work

    Day 9

    Level C/B work day 

    Computer Access

    Individual or lab work

    Day 10

    Level C/B/A 

    Computer Access

    Individual or lab work

    Day 11

    Level A work day 

    Individual work 

    Day 12


    Entire class participation

    (Jeopardy Game)

    Day 13

    Unit Test

    All unit work is due

    Entire class participation

    Day 14 Friday

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