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Rocks-Mineral Mixtures

Carrie Latesky
Birch Run, MI

Rocks-Mineral Mixtures    Name______________________________

Due Date:  Dec. 12, 2006   Parent Signature___________________________


Total points available: A= 140+  B= 120  C= 100 

Late work will be assigned 50% of the assignment value.  If you must be absent on the due date, make arrangements with your teacher before then, or ask someone to turn it in for you on the due date. 

Objective:  Explain how rocks are formed.   


composition    extrusive rock  fissures

foliated   igneous rock   intrusive rock

lava    magma   metamorphic rock

nonfoliated   rock     rock cycle processes 

sedimentary rock  strata    stratification


Directions Examine the possible activities you can do to learn the unit objectives.  Each assignment has a point value based on the amount of time and effort necessary to complete the task.  Items marked in bold are required assignments.  If you have questions, ASK! 


You must complete level C before moving on to Level B and complete Level B to move to Level A. 

LEVEL C:  100 points required to move to Level B  (110 points MAX) 

  1. Daily notes over each section.  (In class)  (30)
  2. Create a metaphor for the rock cycle.  (10)
  3. Design a worksheet that matches 20 rocks with their rock type.  Write answers on the back. (5)
  1. Complete chapter review, pg. 52.  You must complete questions (1-16) with complete sentences. (20)
  2. Draw a picture book of different types of rocks and where they are found in the world. (10)
  3. Perform a skit (2 members) of the rock cycle.  Keep in mind; I will be looking for the different processes involved.  (15)
  4. Complete section 1 review, 1-7 on page 35.  (5)
  5. Complete section 2 review, 1-4 on page 39. (5)
  6. Complete section 3 review, 1-4 on page 43. (5)
  7.   Complete section 4 review, 1-4 on page 49. (5)
  8. Review the model of the rock cycle in the text.  Design a children’s book that explains what can happen to a sedimentary rock as it changes throughout the rock cycle. (15)
  9.   Create vocabulary flash cards or draw a picture for the chapter vocabulary.  Use all 16 terms. (15)
  10.   Create a labeled poster/drawing of the rock cycle. (10)
  11.   Write a song or rap about the rock cycle processes.  Sing it to the class or to the teacher. (5)
  12.   Design a crossword puzzle using 10 vocabulary words.  Puzzle must have clues. (10)

Level B:  (20 points) must earn 15 to move on to level A  MAX is 30 

  1.   Write a report or build a model of one the following ancient sites:  Anasazi Indians of the American Southwest or Angkor, Cambodia or the Great Zimbabwe by the African traders.  (10)
  2. Create a concept map (see page 53 #17).  (10)
  3. Create a rock dictionary.  List the three types of rock and the processes that occur in the rock cycle.  Record the dictionary definition for each and then define it in your own words. (10)
  4. Describe how volcanoes affect people.  Include eruptions, lava flows, and ash clouds.  What are the benefits of volcanoes?  (10)
  5. Research Avicenna.  Write a one-page report on this person’s contribution to today’s society.  (10)
  6. Research life-forms that scientists found living around black smokers at the deep ocean trench, Galapagos Rift.  Write a one-page report.  (10)

Level A:  MAX is 20 points   

  1. Visit a cemetery and measure the weathering rates of grave markers.  By dividing the amount that a grave marker has eroded by the number of years the stone has been standing (the date of death), you can calculate the rate of weathering.  Calculate for 2 stones. Your report should include: measurements, calculations and a description of your findings. (20)
  1.   Prepare a lesson about this chapter to present to a second grade class.  Prepare vocabulary lists, illustrations, and worksheets to help the younger students understand the types of rock, the uses of rock, and the way rock forms. (20)
  1. TEST on chapter 2:  Rocks-Mineral Mixtures.

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