Assessment plan for
Unit 1: the dynamic earth
by Ivar Archer Zemmels, Minnesota
Name: Due Date:
C-Layer: Complete 70 points Score
1. Listen to lecture and take notes (5 pts/day).
Day 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____
2. Read the chapter and answer the questions at the end of
each chapter (15 pts/day).
Day 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____
3. Watch the Video "A Trip Through the Earth." (15
4. On a world map, identify and label all the continents and
oceans. (10 pts)
5. On a world map, identify 10 major crustal plates and label
them. (10 pts)
6. On a world map, with crustal plates identified, mark the
direction of motion
of the plates and indicate the types of boundaries (divergent,
transform, or
convergent). (10 pts)
7. Tell why "Earth" is capitalized in these discussions. (2
8. Watch the Video "Hot is Hot, Cold is Not." (15 pts).
9. Design a poster depicting the structure of the Earth's interior.
(15 pts)
10. Make vocabulary flash cards and practice your vocabulary.
(15 pts)
11. Practice computerized training set and answer questions.
(10 pts each)
12. Listen to audio reviews of each chapter and answer questions.
(10 pts each)
13. Make a drawing of the bench setup to illustrate convection
cells. Label all the
materials used. Illustrate the motion of the convection currents
in a separate
panel. (15 pts)
14. Draw a cross section of a mid-ocean ridge
and label the parts. Indicate the motion of the components.
(10 pts)
15. Draw a cross section of a subduction zone
and label the parts. Indicate the motion of the components.
(10 pts)
16. Make a complete semantic map of the structure of the Earth.
(15 pts)
B-Layer: Complete one exercise for 15 points Points
1. Pretend that you are writing a journal on a journey to the
center of the Earth in an
especially designed vehicle. Write a short story about what
you would sense as you
descend into the Earth. Describe how your vehicle could withstand
the high
temperatures and pressures, and have the ability to penetrate
various densities
of rock.
2. Interview a geologist or an earth scientist to find out
what how the Plate Tectonic
Theory has influenced how he or she thinks about the Earth
and how it influences his
or her work.
3. You are in a submarine. Describe the sights
and sounds around a mid-ocean ridge.
Illustrate what you might see.
A-Layer: Complete one exercise for 15 points Points
1. Some geologists have proposed that nuclear wastes be placed
in a subduction zone as a means of disposal. The idea is that
the nuclear wastes will sink deep into the Earth
and they would not bother us again. Read 3 articles and tell
whether you think that
this is a good idea?
2. The mid-ocean ridges and the islands that grow up from them
(like Iceland) are
hotbeds of geothermal energy. Describe how you might harness
some of this
energy. Discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of
using geothermal