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Assessment plan for

unit 2: the earth's changing surface

by Ivar Archer Zemmels, Minnesota

Name: Due Date:

C-Layer: Complete 70 points Score

1. Listen to lecture and take notes (5 pts/day). Day 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____

2. Read the chapter and answer the questions at the end of each chapter (15 pts/day).

Day 1____ 2____ 3____ 4____ 5____

3. Watch the Video "Inside Hawaiian Volcanoes." (15 pts).

4. On a world map, locate the zones where most volcanoes occur.

Show "The Ring of Fire." (10 pts)

5. Draw a block diagram indicating effect of shearing, tension, and compression.

See page 145. (10 pts)

6. Illustrate the essential features of normal faults, reverse faults, strike-slip faults,

and how a fault block mountain might be built. Indicate the relative directions of

fault block movement and label the footwall and the hanging wall. (15 pts)

7. Show how compressive forces might create folded mountains. Label the anticline

and the syncline. (10 pts)

8. Watch the Video "Folding and Faulting." (15 pts).

9. Design a poster depicting how the Grand Canyon was made. (15 pts)

10. Make vocabulary flash cards and practice your vocabulary. (15 pts)

11. Practice computerized training set and answer questions. (10 pts each)

12. Listen to audio reviews of each chapter and answer questions. (10 pts each)

13. Label the map of physiographic provinces in the United States. (15 pts)

14. Draw a cross section of an active volcanic cone down to its roots and label all

the parts. (10 pts)

15. Make a model of an active volcano from the design given by Tolman (1995).

Be able to relate the parts of the volcano that are like a real volcano and the

parts that are not. (15 pts)

16. Draw a cross section of a mid-ocean ridge and indicate where volcanoes

may occur. (10 pts)

17. Draw a cross section of a subduction zone and indicate where volcanoes

may occur. (10 pts)

18. Make a complete semantic map of volcanoes. (10 pts)

19. Make a drawing to illustrate the major landforms on continents (plains,

mountains, plateaus) as well as coastal features such as estuaries, river deltas,

sea cliffs, and beaches. (15 pts)

20. Make a poster describing the agents of weathering and erosion.

B-Layer: Complete one exercise for 15 points Points:

1. You are a large rock perched on a hillside. Describe the forces you feel working on

you in summer and winter. What are your chances of tumbling down the hillside

and ending up in the river below? If you tumble into the river, what forces do you

feel now? What is likely to happen to you or your fragmented parts?

2. Interview someone who works with earth-moving equipment. What does he or she

feel about tearing up the Earth's surface? What safeguards do they use to minimize

the damage to the surface and to the surroundings?

3. Make a magazine or poster of 10 landforms. Identify each type and tell a little about

each type (like what it is, where it is found, and what forces have shaped it).

4. You are living on a volcano. What is going through your mind? What observations do you want to make to stay safe? What would you have as an evacuation plan?

A-Layer: Complete one exercise for 15 points Points:

1. Some people living in seismically active areas are oblivious to the dangers of

earthquakes (or act like they don't care). If you were the mayor of a city near a known earthquake zone, what would you tell the people who make the zoning laws in your

city (where to put residences, business parks, garbage dumps, water dams, and

freeways); the people who build houses, skyscrapers, schools, and hospitals; the

people who are looking for a place to live?

2. People want to store nuclear wastes in a mesa (part of an eroded plateau) in a remote

desert region of the United States. How safe do you think we would be from being

exposed to radioactive wastes 10 years after burial, 100 years, 1000 years?

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