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Sound Energy

Troy Jolley
6th grade Science
Hurricane Middle School, Hurricane, UT

Standard VI. Students will understand properties and behavior of heat, light, and sound.
Objective 3. Describe the production of sound in terms of vibration of objects that create vibrations in other materials.
a. Describe how sound is made from vibration and moves in all directions from the source in waves.
b. Explain the relationship of the size and shape of a vibrating object to the pitch of the sound produced.
c. Relate the volume of a sound to the amount of energy used to create the vibration of the object producing the sound.
d. Make a musical instrument a report on how it produces sound.

C Layer

Students can earn up to a maximum of 75 points for this layer. (* are required)

Day 1 Topic: Energy You Can Hear (Do 2 of the following)

_____ a. Participate in the class discussion. (5 pts.)

_____ b. Read pages 180 - 182 and answer the questions. (5 pts.)

_____ c. Create a drawing of a longitudinal wave showing compressions and rarefactions. (5 pts.)

_____ d. Do the “Finding Out” activity on page 182. (5 pts.)

Day 2 Topic: The Behavior of Sound (Do 2 of the following)

_____ a. Participate in the class discussion. (5 pts.)

_____ b. Read pages 183 - 185 and answer the questions. (5 pts.)

_____ d. Do the “Activity” on page 186. (5 pts.)

Day 3 Topic: Describing Sound Waves (Do 2 of the following)

_____ a. Participate in the class discussion. (5 pts.)

_____ b. Read pages 187 - 194 and answer the questions. (5 pts.)

_____ c. Do the “Activity” on page 190. (5 pts.)

_____ d. Make a mobil showing the different characteristics of a sound wave. (5 pts.)

Day 4 Topic: How Sound Travels (Do 2 of the following)

_____ a. Participate in the class discussion. (5 pts.)

_____ b. Read pages 193 - 194 and answer the questions. (5 pts.)

_____ c. Create a game teaching about sound. (5 pts.)

_____ d. Make a collage using pictures that describe different sounds. (5 pts.)

Day 5 Topic: Using Sound (Do 3 of the following)

_____ a. Participate in the class discussion. (5 pts.)

_____ b. Read pages 195 - 197 and answer the questions. (5 pts.)

_____ c. Make Flash cards of bold typed words from unit in the text book. (5 pts.)

_____ d. Make a collage using pictures that describe different sounds. (5 pts.)

_____ e. *Take the unit test. (25 pts.)

B Layer - Do one of the following. Students can earn up to a maximum of 10 points in this layer.

_____ a. Describe what causes the Doppler Effect to occur. Does the speed of a moving object affect the pitch change? (10 pts.)

_____ b. Write a paragraph (7-10 sentences) explaining how the speed of sound can change. (10 pts.)

_____ c. Make a list 10 sounds that can be harmful to our hearing and explain how sounds can damage our hearing. (10 pts.)

A Layer

Do one of the following. Students can earn up to a maximum of 15 points in this layer.

_____ a. Construct an instrument with at least 5 different pitches and play a simple tune with it.
(15 pts.)

_____ b. Read a newspaper or magazine article on sound and summarize the article using a Reading Summary Sheet. (15 pts.)

_____ c. Write a paragraph (7-10 sentences) expressing your opinion about sounds and how they can affect our hearing. (15 pts.)

A = 96-100 C = 73-76
A- = 90-95 C- =70-72
B+= 87-89 D+=67-69
B = 83-86 D = 64-66
B- = 80-82 D- = 55-63
C+=77-79 F = 54-BELOW

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