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Social Studies: Texas History: The Mexican National Era:

Jennifer Long

            EDSE 3348


Layered Curriculum Unit

7th Grade Social Studies


(2) History. The student understands how individuals, events, and issues through the Mexican National Era shaped the history of Texas. The student is expected to:

(A) compare the cultures of American Indians in Texas prior to European colonization such as Gulf, Plains, Puebloan, and Southeastern;

(B) identify important individuals, events, and issues related to European exploration of Texas such as Alonso Álvarez de Pineda, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and his writings, the search for gold, and the conflicting territorial claims between France and Spain;

(C) identify important events and issues related to European colonization of Texas, including the establishment of Catholic missions, towns, and ranches, and individuals such as Fray Damián Massanet, José de Escandón, Antonio Margil de Jesús, and Francisco Hidalgo;

(D) identify the individuals, issues, and events related to Mexico becoming an independent nation and its impact on Texas, including Texas involvement in the fight for independence, José Gutiérrez de Lara, the Battle of Medina, the Mexican federal Constitution of 1824, the merger of Texas and Coahuila as a state, the State Colonization Law of 1825, and slavery;

(E) identify the contributions of significant individuals, including Moses Austin, Stephen F. Austin, Erasmo Seguín, Martín De León, and Green DeWitt, during the Mexican settlement of Texas; and

(F) contrast Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo purposes for and methods of settlement in Texas.

Student name:                                       Period:                                     Due Date:                                          


Directions:  You are given several choices in activities to complete for this Social Studies Unit on the Mexican National Era. Your grade depends on you. You will need to choose from the following list of activities in Levels C, B, and A.


1)      Complete enough Level C activities to earn 50 points before continuing to the Level B activities. 

2)      Complete two Level B activities to earn an additional 20 points to give you a grade of 70 before moving on to the Level A activities.

3)      Finally, complete one of the Level A activities for 30 points to a earn a Maximum: 100 points. *NOTE:  Though you may complete every level this does NOT guarantee a grade of 100. 



Section I: C Layer                                                                                                   50 points

1.       Listen to a lecture and submit notes following the lecture. May submit up to 3 days of lecture notes for a maximum of 15 points.  (5 points per lecture)

2.       Vocabulary: Choose 20 words from the chapter and make vocabulary flashcards for each word.  (5 points)

3.       Read the entire chapter and answer the questions at the end of each chapter. (5 points)

4.       Create a Crossword Puzzle from the chapter vocabulary words. (5 points)

5.       Create a map detailing the locations of the American Indians in Texas. Be sure to label your map and include Gulf, Plains, Puebloan, and Southeastern Indians.  (10 points)

6.       Create foldable identifying important individuals, events, and issues related to European exploration of Texas such as Alonso Álvarez de Pineda, Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca and his writings, the search for gold, and the conflicting territorial claims between France and Spain. (10 points)

7.       Create a 3-D model of your own Catholic Mission, town, or ranch. (10 points)

8.       Find one primary and one secondary source – NOT from the textbook - explaining the establishment of Catholic missions in Texas. Make a photocopy of each source. Write a one-page summary about each source, include the bibliographic information, and whether the source is primary or secondary. (10 points)

9.       View and complete the corresponding Web quest on “Mission Texas.” http://www.galenaparkisd.com/insttech/web_quests/Secondary/Mission%20Texas/Mission%20Texas.htm  (10 points)

10.   Create a diorama of one of the American Indian settlements found in Texas. (10 points)


Section II: B Layer             Choose two                                                    20 points

1.      Write a five-day journal entry on a day in the life of one of the following historical figures that played an important role in the European colonization and the establishment of Catholic Missions. Be sure to include who the figure was and what his role was. (10 points)

a.       Fray Damián Massanet

b.      José de Escandón

c.       Antonio Margil de Jesús

d.      Francisco Hidalgo

2.      Explain and contrast the Spanish, Mexican, and Anglo purposes for and methods of settlement in Texas. This can be done as a Power Point presentation, Prezi, Presentation, Digital poster, or as a written essay. (10 points)

 3. Research a practical skill used by European settlers. Create visuals by which to teach    

     American Indians the new skill. (10 points)







Section III: A Layer            Choose only one                                           30 points

1.      Evaluate the role of one of the historical figures in the Mexican National Era of Texas. Write a 2-page essay on your evaluation.

a.       Moses Austin

b.      Stephen F. Austin

c.       Erasmo Seguín

d.      Martín De León

e.       Green DeWitt

2.      Evaluate the drastic impact of European colonization in Texas on one of American Indian tribes from the Gulf, Plains, Puebloan, or Southeastern regions. Write a 2-page essay on your evaluation




40-55 = D              56-70 = C              71-85 = B              86+ = A


Parent signature/date                                   contact phone #

(Signature and phone worth 5 points in “C” level)

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