ICP Name:
Chapter 12 – FORCES
Mark Sailer
Science Teacher
Pioneer Jr-Sr High
Class Plan
Tuesday – October 4,
Wednesday – October
5, 2005
Lab ??
Thursday – October
6, 2005
Friday – October 7,
Monday – October 10,
Tuesday – October 11,
Wednesday – October
12, 2005
Thursday – October
13, 2005 – INSERVICE DAY
Friday – October 14,
B and A Layer Work
Monday – October 17,
A Layer Work
Tuesday – October 18,
2005 – Early Release Day
A Layer Work
All Work Needs to be completed at the end of class.
No C Layer Work Checked after this date.
B and A Layer Written work may be turned in on October 24.
Portfolio Due – October
Unit Test – October
C Layer Work (65
Points Maximum)
1. Ch 12 Pretest
(3 points) _____
2. Inquiry Activity
p. 354 (3 points) _____
3. Vocabulary Cards
for all the terms in chapter 12 (10 points) _____
4. Notes (5 points
each day) _____
5. Quick Lab –
p. 360 (3 points) Oral Defense (O. D.) _____
6. Read Section
12.1 and be prepared to answer 12.1 Assessment p. 362 (O. D.)
(5 points) _____
7. Read Section
12.1 and be prepared to answer 12.2 Assessment p. 369 (O. D.)
(5 points) _____
8. Read Section
12.1 and be prepared to answer 12.3 Assessment p. 377 (O. D.)
(5 points) _____
9. Read Section
12.1 and be prepared to answer 12.4 Assessment p. 382 (O. D.)
(5 points) _____
10. Quick Lab –
p. 365 (O. D.) (3 points) _____
11. Math Practice
– Newton’s Second Law p. 367 (O. D.) (4 points) _____
12. Concepts in
Action p. 370-371 – Read and complete going further (O. D.)
(20 points) _____
13. Writing in
Science p. 375 (O. D.) (5 points) _____
14. Data Analysis
– Momentum p. 377 (O. D.) (3 points) _____
15. Investigating
a balloon Jet p. 383 (10 points) _____
16. Lab 2 – Velocity
and Momentum (10 points) _____
17. Applying Newton’s
First Law – Laboratory Investigation (10 points) _____
18. Quick Lab –
How are action and reaction forces related? (O. D.) (3 points) _____
19. Chapter 12
Assessment p. 385-386 # 1-10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19, 23, 26, 27,
28, 31, 32, 33 (10 points) _____
20. Create a poster
that demonstrates your knowledge of Newton’s Laws and Forces.
(O. D.) (20 points) _____
21. Worksheets
(Choose 3 – 5 points each – 15 points maximum) (O. D.) _____
B Layer Assignments
(Choose ONE – 15 points )
- Draw a cartoon that
illustrates one of Newton’s Laws in an amusing way.
- Design and perform
an experiment to determine the force of static and kinetic
friction acting on a box on the lab table or floor.
Share your experiment by writing a lab report, making a poster
or presenting your experiment to the class.
- How does the angle
of a garden hose affect the range of the water stream?
Share your experiment by writing a lab report, making a poster
or presenting your experiment to the class.
A Layer Assignments
(Choose One – 20 Points)
- Are the methods used
by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration to test
a vehicle’s crash worthiness and its likelihood of rolling
over effective? – Use A Layer Research Form
- Research about the
physiological affects of free fall. Find out how astronauts
counter the affects of living in a free fall environment (sometimes
called microgravity). What would be the minimum acceleration
for a trip to Mars that would minimize physiological problems
for the crew during flight and returning to Earth’s surface.
– Use an A Layer Research Form.
B and A Layer Combined
Assignments (Choose One – 35 points – will meet both
B and A layer Assignment Requirements)
- Identify, adapt, or
invent a sport that people on the moon will find interesting,
exciting, and entertaining. Write a proposal to NASA
which includes the following: a description of your
sport and its rules and how it meets the basic requirements
for a sport; a comparison of factors affecting sports on Earth
and on the moon in general; a comparison of the play of your
sport on the Earth and on the moon including any changes to
the size of the field, alterations to the equipment, or changes
in the rules.
- PBS has decided that
it wants to televise certain sporting events, and that they
would like these programs to have some educational value as
well as entertainment value. As a test of this idea,
you are to provide the voice-over on a sports video, and to
explain the physics of the action appearing on the screen.
Each student will so a “science commentary” on a short
sports video. You may submit a written script, do a
live narration, make a video or record on audio cassette.