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Mark Sailer
Science Teacher
Pioneer Jr-Sr High
Chapter 27 & 28 – Light and Color

                                         Name : ______________________________ 

What is to be Accomplished/ Study Guidelines

  • Describe the dual nature of light.
  • Explain why it is difficult to measure the speed of light.
  • Describe the relationship among light, radio waves, microwaves, and X-rays.
  • Explain how the frequency of light affects what happens when it enters a substance.
  • Describe opaque materials.
  • Describe solar and lunar eclipses.
  • Describe the evidence that suggests light waves are transverse.
  • Describe 3-D vision.
  • Explain why white and black are not true colors.
  • Describe how the reflection of light affects an object’s color.
  • Describe what determines whether a material reflects, transmits, or absorbs light of a particular color.
  • Describe white light.
  • Explain that color television tubes produce only red, green and blue light.
  • Define complementary colors.
  • Describe color mixing by subtraction and color mixing by addition.
  • Explain why the sky is blue, why sunsets are red and why water is greenish-blue.
  • Explain how a spectrum can be used to identify the presence of an element.


            D   60-69 C  70-79 B  80-89 A  90+  

Activities and Assignments points (75)  _______ 

                B – Layer Assignments (10)_________ 

                            A- Layer Assignments  (15) _________ 

                                                            Total ___________ 

C Level Activities (maximum 75 points)

    Video Lecture – Light and color – Notes plus tell 5 things you learned – 10 points  
    Video – Light Waves – Notes  plus tell 5 things you learned – 10 points  
    Lab 70 – Shady Business (5 points) (Also Color Shadows)  
    Lab 71 – Absolutely Relative – Step 1, step 5, 6, 7  Questions 3-9  (10 points)  
    Lab 72 – Shades (5 points)  
    Review Questions Ch 27 p. 419-420 #1-23 (10 points)  
    Ch 27 Assessment  (10 points) p. 420 #24, 25, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36  
    Review Questions Chapter 28  (10 points) p. 439-440 #1-25  
    Chapter 28 Assessment (10 points)  p. 440- 441 #26, 27, 29, 30, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43  
    Vocabulary Flash Cards for chapters 27-28 – Definitions must be in your own words (Quiz 10 points)  See Instructions  
    CDPP 27-1  (5 points)  
    CDPP 27-2  (5 points)  
    CDPP 28-1  (5 points)  

B Level Activities (10points maximum) 

1.  Research the characteristics, effects, and applications of a specific type of electromagnetic wave in the spectrum.  Find information about the range of wavelengths, frequencies, and energies; natural and artificial sources of the waves; and the methods used to detect them.  Find out how they were discovered and how they affect matter.  Learn about any dangers associated with them and about their uses in technology.  Create a poster, brochure, bulletin board display, chart or web page. (You may choose to include a second type of EM wave in your brochure or create a second brochure for bonus points)
2. Create a question to investigate and approval by Mr. Sailer before you experiment.

“A” Layer Activities – Use “A” layer form (15 points maximum) 

1.  Many electronic devices emit Electromagnetic Radiation.  Is EMF/EMR Radiation dangerous? 
2.  Should people limit their exposure to the sun?
3.  How does color vision work?
4.  Other topic approved by Mr. Sailer

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