Clarington Central Secondary
Bowmanville, Ontario (Canada)
You will now keep
FOUR sections in your science binder. The first is
for all notes and activities completed in class. The
second section is for your Chemfolio activities. The
third is for your Reprofolio. The fourth is for your
electricity manual. This checklist is your first page
of the manual. It will help you keep track of your
unit completion.
C Layer
100 points **Choose at least two from each section**
Will be checked on: ___________
Options (10
points each):
q Lecture notes in graphic organizer format (e.g. concept map, flowchart,
etc.) (max. of 3)
q 10 Vocabulary cards with definitions (oral defense)
q Teach a mini-lesson to the class from this chapter
q Watch a video and write down 5 things that you learned. (oral
defense) (max of 3)
q Create a PowerPoint slideshow explaining a concept from this section
(teacher marked in class)
q Perform a skit, song, or dance that explains electrostatics
(small groups) (peer and teacher marked)
q Engage in a conversation about induction with your teacher
(oral defense)
q Draw a series of diagrams (with explanations) which illustrate
the induction process – must look differently from
those in the textbook
q Read page 282-283 and answer questions #1-9 on page 283 (written
or oral defense)
q Read page 285-287 and answer questions #1-6 on page 287 (written
or oral defense)
q Create a colour poster illustrating safety during an electrical
q Complete a career profile (max. of 2)
q Caregiver Signature: “I have reviewed this unit project sheet”:
Electricity in
q Lecture notes in graphic organizer format (e.g. concept map, flowchart,
etc.) (max. of 3)
q 10 Vocabulary cards with definitions (oral defense)
q Teach a mini-lesson to the class from this chapter
q Watch a video and write down 5 things that you learned. (oral
defense) (max of 3)
q Create a PowerPoint slideshow explaining a concept from this section
(teacher marked in class)
q Perform a skit, song, or dance that electricity in circuits (small
groups) (peer and teacher marked)
q Complete a career profile (max. of 2)
Harnessing Electrical
q Lecture notes in graphic organizer format (e.g. concept map, flowchart,
etc.) (max. of 3)
q 10 Vocabulary cards with definitions (oral defense)
q Teach a mini-lesson to the class from this chapter
q Watch a video and write down 5 things that you learned. (oral
defense) (max of 3)
q Create a PowerPoint slideshow explaining a concept from this section
(teacher marked in class)
q Perform a skit, song, or dance that explains the harnessing of
electrical energy (small groups) (peer and teacher
q Complete a career profile (max. of 2)
Using Electrical
Energy Safely and Efficiently:
q Lecture notes in graphic organizer format (e.g. concept map, flowchart,
etc.) (max. of 3)
q 10 Vocabulary cards with definitions (oral defense)
q Teach a mini-lesson to the class from this chapter
q Watch a video and write down 5 things that you learned. (oral
defense) (max of 3)
q Create a PowerPoint slideshow explaining a concept from this section
(teacher marked in class)
q Perform a skit, song, or dance that explains the safe use of electricity
(small groups) (peer and teacher marked)
q Complete a career profile (max. of 2)
q Notebook check (notes in proper sections, dated, neat…)
B Layer
complete 60 points
Will be checked on:
Required B
Layer activities (30 points):
q One full laboratory write-up from the unit (title page, introduction,
purpose, hypothesis, materials, procedure, results/observations,
conclusions, application/analysis, references, scientific
Options (10
points each): **choose at least one from each
Chapter 9 and
q Compare static electricity with current electricity using a Venn
diagram or T-chart
q Case Study (Interesting Insulators and Conductors)
q Explore an Issue (Cells and Batteries: Costs and Benefits)
q Teach an active electric circuit demonstration that includes voltage,
current, and resistance
q Questions #11 - 23 at the end of Chapter 10
q Build an edible model of a parallel circuit (submit with parts
description and explanation)
Chapter 11 and
q Case Study (Automobiles and the Fuel Cell; Efficiency, Conservation
and Convenience)
q Explore an Issue (Bridging the Energy Gap; Need More Energy?)
q Create a photojournal that shows the use of electricity in a variety
of ways.
q Write a report (include diagrams) comparing the use of electricity
between our country and another.
q Compare and contrast the three kinds of lighting using a Venn
q Questions #14-27 at the end of Chapter 11
A Layer
complete 30 points Will be checked on: _____________________
Options (15
points each):
q Create an illustrated book that teaches one of the concepts from
this unit.
q Create a colour poster to be hung in the school which encourages
people to use electricity effectively.
q In groups of 2 or 3, create a CNN ad (either live or using technology)
that challenges people to reduce their use of electricity.
Why should they?
q Build an electrical circuit with parallel components, lights,
and a buzzer in a model (such as a model of a house
with a burglar alarm and lights or a “flashy” refrigerator)
q Compose and perform a song (or change the words of an existing
song and perform it) that could be used to educate
people about one of the topics addressed in this unit.
Teach it to the class!
q Complete one of the three challenges on pages 388-389.
Additional items
to include in your Electricity Manual:
q Self-Evaluation using the rubric provided
q This checklist, completed
Final Electricity
Manual to be submitted on: _____________
Late work will be
assigned a mark of zero as per science department policy.
Please see me if you experience any extenuating circumstances.