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Mrs. Gibson

Physical Science

Nute High School


Unit 6: Energy

Due Date: 5/29/06 


Objectives: At the end of this unit you will be able to:

  1. Distinguish between kinetic an potential energy.
  2. Recognize that energy is conserved when changing from one form to another.
  3. Compare the scientific meaning of work with its everyday meaning.
  4. Recognize the difference between the motion of an object and the motion of the particles that make up the object.
  5. Contrast heat and temperature.
  6. Explain what determines the thermal energy of a sample of matter.
  7. Define specific heat.
  8. Calculate changes in thermal energy.
  9. Compare and contrast the transfer of thermal energy by conduction, convection, and radiation.
  10. Differentiate between conductors and insulators.
  11. Explain how insulation affects the transfer of energy.

Required Assignments. (This means you MUST do them.)

    _____ 1. Find the potential and kinetic energy of a basketball. 

    _____ 2. Pendulum lab 

    _____ 3. Specific Heat Lab 

    Required notes for this section.  (Again … this means you MUST do them.) 

    _____ 1. Energy: Potential vs. Kinetic 

    _____ 2. Work 

    _____ 3. Conservation of Energy 

    _____ 4. Temperature vs. heat 

    _____ 5. Specific Heat 

    _____ 6. Heat Transfer 

    ______ “C Level”. (Here is where you get to choose what you want to do.)

    25 points are necessary for a C.

    _____1. Read pages 122 – 131 in your book on energy and work.  Be able to answer questions. (5 points)

    _____ 2. Read pages 134 – 137 in your book on temperature and heat.  Be able to answer questions. (5 points)

    _____ 3. Read pages 141 – 144 in your book on specific heat.  Be able to answer questions.       (5 points)

    _____4. Complete the Chapter 5 Review on pages 147 -149.  Answer questions. 1-25.                (10 points)

    _____5. Read pages 152 – 158 in your book on insulation.  Be able to answer questions.            (5 points)

    _____6. Read pages 162 – 165 in your book on conventional heating systems.  Make a poster that shows the difference between radiator systems, forced-air systems, electrical heating systems and solar heating systems. (10 points)

    _____ 7. Read pages 166 – 170 in your book on heat engines.  Make a poster that shows the difference between an internal combustion engine and an external combustion engine. (10 points)

    _____8. Complete the Chapter 6 Review on pages 175 – 177.  Answer questions 1-24.             (10 points)

    _____ 9. Create a collage (collection of pictures from magazines) that demonstrate energy, work, temperature and heat.  (10 points)

    _____ 10.

____________  “B” Level: Choose ONE only.  

    ____ 1.  

____________ “A” Level: Choose ONE only.  

    ____ 1.  

    ____ 2. Design a powerpoint or some other presentation that demonstrates how this Unit relates to a topic of your choice. 

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