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 EDSE 3348

Algebra 1 Solving Multi-Step Equations: Combine Like Terms, Distribution, and Combinations of Both to Solve.

Daniel Novosad

Student name:                                       Period:                                     Due Date:                                          

TEKS            b.4.A

Foundations for functions. The student understands the importance of the skills required to manipulate symbols in order to solve problems and uses the necessary algebraic skills required to simplify algebraic expressions and solve equations and inequalities in problem situations. The student is expected to find specific function values, simplify polynomial expressions, transform and solve equations, and factor as necessary in problem situations


Foundations for functions. The student understands the importance of the skills required to manipulate symbols in order to solve problems and uses the necessary algebraic skills required to simplify algebraic expressions and solve equations and inequalities in problem situations. The student is expected to use the commutative, associative, and distributive properties to simplify algebraic expressions.

Section I: C Layer                                                            /65 points

1.       Listen to the lecture and take notes each day.                                 (2pts/day)           1 2 3 4 5

2.       CFA Quizzes                                                                                 (10 pts./quiz)              1    2  

3.       Write paragraph on the steps it takes to solve a function.                                                      10 pts.

4.       Complete odd questions on pg. 85                                                                                                    10 pts.        

5.       Watch the video on google classroom and give an oral summary.                                   5 pts.

6.       Create a word problem that students have to create an equation and solve for the           variable.                                                                                                                      15 pts.

7.       Create a foldable to demonstrate the steps in solving a two-step equation                   15 pts.

8.       Solve an equation by using algebra tiles and be able to demonstrate how to use                          the tiles                                                                                                                                                   10 pts.

9.       Work two worksheets.                                                                                                                            10 pts.

10.   Find a worksheet online from another classroom or other source on solving functions and complete it.                                                                                                                       10 pts.

11.   Create a matching game to help students learn how to combine like terms                       10 pts.

Section II: B Layer Labs     Choose only one                                          /15 points

1.       Write a 20 question test and have a peer take it.  Turn in the original test, student copy, and answer sheet. 

2.       Create a 5 to 10 minute lesson or presentation that teaches the steps and strategies that are used to solve multi-step equations.  Be prepared to present to class.

Section III: A Layer    Choose only one                                                      /20 points

1.       Write a one page paper on how we use the ability to create and solve functions in our everyday life.

2.       Interview someone who writes computer software and learn how the computer solves these equations for us.  Present findings to the class.





40-55 = D              56-70 = C              71-85 = B              86+ = A

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