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Pauline Benton

Canton, Georgia

Mechanical Advantage and Simple Machines

Name __________________________________ Class Period ________

Due Date _____________________ Grade _____________

Objectives of this unit:

15.1 Calculates the work done by simple machines and compares the force or direction of force applied.
15.2 Calculates mechanical advantage and efficiency of simple machines.
15.3 Identifies compound machines as combinations of simple machines and describes how the work is done.

C Level – 79 points – Maximum


Notes _____________ ___________ __________ ___________ __________

C BOX 1 – Yellow

_____________ 1. Define the vocabulary on pg 66 Quiz credit (09/20) (10) ****

_____________ 2. Complete the Vocabulary Review pg 77 (7)

_____________ 3. Complete Concept Review pg 78. (15)

______________ 4. Write a one page report on how machines make lives easier, use at least 3 books, magazines or websites for you references and document your sources. (15)

_______________ 5. Complete Web Activity on Mrs. Benton’s Webpage. (15) *****(2nd period)

_______________ 6. Complete the Review What You Know Worksheet. (10)

C BOX 2 - Blue

_____________ 1. Mechanical Advantage Worksheet. (18)

_____________2. Complete the problems on pg 79. (13)

_____________ 3. Draw a poster showing each simple machine being used and write an explanation under each on how it makes the work easier. – No computer printed images. (15)

_____________ 4. Worksheet – Skill Sheet 4-B -Gear Ratios (15)

_____________ 5. Lab 4.3 (15) *****

_____________ 6. Simple, But Tough Worksheet (15)

_____________ 7. Video on CD – Take pretest, watch video and take notes, and complete quiz at end. 2 Maximum. (10 each)

_____________ 8. Go to http://science.howstuffworks.com/gear-ratio.htm and read about gear ratios. Make sure you read through all pages. Write a one page paper on what you read on gear ratios; include types of machines that use them and how they work. Also include one page of drawings. (10)

_____________9. Complete pg 80. (12)

B Level – Choose one of the following lab questions, design and conduct and experiment to test the question, and complete a lab report. (10 points)

__________ 1. Is a weight easier to move when the force arm is longer, shorter, or the same length as the weight arm?

__________ 2. What type of screw or nail holds better?

__________3. What angled ramp will make it easier to pull the book?

__________ 4. What type of lever works best to lift an object?

A – Level – Choose one of the following activities. (11) points

_____________ 1. Design – Draw a home or office building that provides handicap access using at least 2 simple machines. Include a one page paper on what simple machines you included in your design, why, and how the make life easier.

_____________ 2. Design and build a complex machine to do a task for your home. You must include at least 3 simple machines. Complete a design, build the design, and write a 1 page summary of the simple machines used and how they create mechanical advantage and make your life easier. Check out Rube Goldberg site for more info.

______________ 3. Evaluate 3 inventions in history that used simple machines. Write at least two paragraphs on each machine including how the simple machines improved life and include information on the inventor. Also write two paragraphs on an invention you would create/design that would improve your life.



      Web activity or #1                                                                        _______



      Notes – Simple Machines                                                             _______

      Complete one of the following activities – C Box 1 -#1, #2, #6   _______


      Conversion Quiz 

      Notes – Simple Machines                                                                   _______


      Vocab Quiz                                                                                  _______

      Notes – Simple and Compound Machines – 3 points                   _______

      Complete one of the following activities – C Box 1 -#1, #3, #4, or #6_______



      Lab 4.3                                                                                               ________

      Complete one of the following activities C Box 1 - #3, #4, C Box 2 - #1, #2____




      Complete one of the following activities – C Box 2 - #1, #2, #3,#4   _________


1. Warm -up

2. Complete two of the following activities – C Box 2 - #6, #7,#8,#9 B level lab


Friday – Complete B & A level activities                                                       __________

Monday – Turn in unit sheet completed.                                                        __________

Tuesday - Test

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