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Jazz Band

Mr. Moore - Granger High School, Salt Lake City, UT

Name: DUE:

Unit Two: Improvising Skills

Level One: Group Rehearsal (75 points max.)

Group Rehearsal 60 points max.

5 points = On time w/ instrument and paper & pencil

3 points =Late w/all materials

1 points = no instrument, music, paper or pencil

0 points =Absent



Outside Rehearsal for Sectionals Ensembles, etc. (5 points each, 25 points max

Rehearse for 30 minutes or more. Bring a paper dated and signed by someone in charge.

1 2

3 4

Outside Performance (5 points each, 25 points max.)

Perform for 10 minutes or more alone or with a group. 'Bring a paper dated and signed by someone in charge. Include a list of pieces performed.

1. 2. 3. 4.

Level Two: Scale Knowledge (20 points max.)

Play and name all major scales in the circle of fifths (5 points from memory = 10 points)

Play and name all the natural minor scales in the circle of fifths (5 points; from memory= 10 points)

Play and name all the harmonic minor scales in the circle of fifths (5 points; from memory=10 points)

Play and name all the melodic minor scales in the circle of fifths (5 points; from memory=10 points)

Play a pentatonic scale in the concert keys of C, F, Bb, Eb Ab (5 points)

Level Three: Chord Building (25 points max.)

In your clef and key, write out the notes for the following chords listed in concert key): 15 chords listed here- sorry couldn't scan them

In your clef and key, write out the notes for the following chords (listed in concert key): 15 chords listed here- sorry couldn't scan them

Play in chords or triads as your instrument dictates) the

following chords in tempo: 15 chords listed here- sorry couldn't scan them

Play in chords or triads as your instrument dictates the

following chords in tempo: 15 chords listed here- sorry couldn't scan them

Write out a possible solo for the following chord progression:

15 chords listed here- sorry couldn't scan them

Extra Credit (15 points max.)

Make a poster for the class that promotes or teaches any of the above items (5 points-10 points if the poster is used)

Take private lessons from a qualified instructor (1 point per lesson-, use the time sheet available from Mr. Moore)

Attend a concert which features your instrument. Critique the musicianship of the performance, choice of music, etc.. (10 points oral report; 15 points two page typed)

Have a parent or guardian read through this form and sign it here (5 points)


A= 100+ A-90-99 B+--85-89 B=80-84

B-75-79 C+=70-74 C=65-69 D+--55-59

D=50-54 D--4549 F=44 or less

Level One Total Points


Level Two Total Points


Level Three Total Points


Extra Credit Total Points



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