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Blood Vessels & Circulation

Randy Isham

Granger High School, Utah

Name _____________________ Period _______ Date Due ______

Section 1 - C Level. Maximum of 75 points (Highest grade C).

_____1. Lecture and/or Behavior points (5 points per day - 4 days max):

Date: ____ 12345 pts Date: ____ 12345 pts Date: ____ 12345 pts Date: ____ 12345 pts _____

2. Reading notes: _______pg 716 - 727 Write 1 pages of notes. (10 pts)

_______pg 728 - 748 Write 2 pages of notes. (14 pts) _______
pg 749 - 773 Write 1 pages of notes. (10 pts)

_____3. Complete vocabulary word (page 79) crossword puzzle. (10 pts)

_____4. Neatly make a poster (12" x 24" min) showing the blood vessels of ONE of the following systems: digestive, hepatic portal, or the chest & upper limb. (10 pts)

_____5. Answer the questions on pg 777 #55 - 68 (10 pts)

_____6. Go to the internet, do a web search to find 2 web sites on BHP or IHP, write the web address, the web sponsor and 3 facts about each site. (9 pts).

_____7. Find a recent (within last 6 months) newspaper/magazine article about blood vessels. Cut out or copy, read & summarize in 1 paragraph. (10 pts)

_____8. Complete the Section Review on pg 776 # 1-24 (12 pts)

_____9. Trace a blood cell originating in the brain and ending up in the left foot. Please include the names of all major blood vessels along the trip. (18 pts)

_____10. Describe THREE diseases of the circulatory vessels. Include the cause, symptoms, structure(s) affected, and treatment. (12 pts)

_____11. Compare & differentiate between the artery and vein. Please write at least 6 sentences in a language other than ENGLISH. (10 pts)

_____12. Complete Job Description sheet for either a phlebotomist or medical technician. (10 pts)

_____13. View the video on the circulatory system. List 6 differences between heart regulation and blood pressure. (8 pts)

_____14. Complete the questions on pg 777 # 69 - 73. (10 pts)

_____15. Complete the Circulatory System worksheet. (8 pts)

_____16. TBA ______________________________________________________ ( ___pts)

Section II - B Level. Maximum of 14 points (highest grade B+)

_____1. Locate and describe on the cat: Trace a blood cell originating in the brain and ending up in the left foot. Please include the names of all major blood vessels along the trip (10 pts)

_____2. Blood pressure lab. (6 pts)

_____3. Blood vessel histology lab. (6 pts)

Section III - A Level. Choose only one. 14 points max (highest grade A)

_____1. Which blood vessel is the most Important chemical to your life? Your report should be at least three pages, illustrated and use at least 3 sources. (14 pts)

_____2. Eighty five years from now, your granddaughter (a biochemist) is on a space probe that landed on a distant planet outside our solar system and discovers that the planet has many small animals with three chambered hearts. She wonders what type of advantage or disadvantage these hearts have. Do you think these hearts would be an advantage or disadvantage to these animals?. Your report should be at least three pages, illustrated and use at least 3 sources. (14 pts)


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