Mother's Love can make a Powerful Difference
Kathie F. Nunley, EdD
like to share with you a person I met this week in Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada. While speaking at the Canadian Dyslexia
Conference, I had the pleasure of meeting the president
of that organization, a truly inspirational woman. She
touched a place in my heart.
Ward is a mother. First and foremost. She is a mother
who, like many of us, leads a life shaped by her children.
Years ago, when Louise's son was struggling in
a school which couldn't accommodate his particular learning
style, she realized that not only was the school system
not helping him, they were in fact, doing harm. As many
of us are aware, the pain of a child's disabilities is
greater for the parent as they watch the hopes, confidence
and esteem of their child destroyed by a system, which
in its valiant attempt to lead the masses, often forgets
individuals it loses.
bond between mother and child often leads to inspirational
stories and the story of this mother is one
such story. When Louise Ward realized that the school
system could not meet her sons needs, she took
matters into her own hands and started her own school,
custom designed for the dyslexic needs of her son.
What Louise hoped was that the design of this school
would also meet the needs of other children with dyslexia.
Her hopes were realized. From a first year enrollment
of six to this year's enrollment of 40, L
Academie' Heritage in Ottawa Ontario is a school where
children of all ages are given a specialized reading
each day followed by high level academic subject
taught using alternative strategies. Textbooks are
used sparingly, primarily as references, students are
to research and create individual projects using
their particular intellectual gifts. The transitions
magical, the students are exciting, personable, and most
importantly, confident in their educational endeavors.
students come from all over the world to find the
peace and joy that comes from learning in an environment
which meets their needs. Louise's son has
graduated from the school and is currently pursing his
degree at an Ottawa University. As for Louise, she keeps
the school going and growing as she realizes true greatness
comes from helping people - one at a time.
F. Nunley is an educational psychologist, author, researcher and speaker
living in southern New Hampshire. Developer of the Layered Curriculum®
method of instruction, Dr. Nunley has authored several books and articles
on teaching in mixed-ability classrooms and other problems facing today's
teachers. Full references and additional teaching and parental tips
are available at: http://Help4Teachers.com Email her:
Kathie (at) brains.org
For more detailed
information, read the text
"Layered Curriculum" or the new supplement "Enhancing
your Layered Curriculum Classroom".