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(Kathie's notes: While Marie's unit looks a bit more like the "contract for grade" sheets from a few decades ago, it is an excellent unit to glean ideas from. It could easily be turned into a Layered Curriculum just by requiring more complex thinking at the B and A layers rather than just additional C layer work)

Anne Frank Project

Marie Clifford, no school


DUE DATE _______________________

TOTAL POINTS____________________

Required Activities

1) Read information from the Holocaust Museum

Notes on Holocaust background-WORKSHEET (10)

2) Read Anne's Diary for 1942 pp. 1-62

Notes pm 1942- WORKSHEET (10)

3) Choose 3 entries from 1943- Read

Complete Response sheet for each entry (10)

4) Watch the film "Life is Beautiful" Take notes. (20)



Choose from the following to gain your additional points

To receive a C you must earn 90 points

To receive a B you must earn 110 points

To receive an A you must earn 130 points

5) Take notes on Afterwards

Write two comments/thoughts about information (10)

6) Keep a daily journal Sun-Thurs. Include details

and reflections about your day. (20)

7) Find a song that talks about the strength of the

"Human Spirit"- copy lyrics (10)

8) Compare Anne Frank to Esperanza. Write a one

Page response. (10)

9) Reflect on Anne Frank's Diary entries. Write

a one page cumulative reaction to her entries.

Make comparisons to your world. (15)

10) Read Anne Frank and "A House of My Own:

Write a one page comparison, include your own

Wish. (5)

11) Read the three poems written by young victims

Of the Holocaust- Write a one page response

covering all three poems.

12) Make a dimensional model, or diorama of the

"Secret Annex" (15)


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