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The Civil War

by Brandi Thomas


C Level Assignments

Maximum of 50 Points can be earned at this Level

Points Possible

Points Earned

Teachers Signature

1. Take Notes


2. Create the front page of a newspaper describing the fall of Fort Sumter


3. Paragraph discussing the pros and cons of fighting for the either the Union or the Confederacy as opposed to fighting for the Confederacy or the Union


4. Create a Venn Diagram with the advantages and disadvantages of either the North or the South at the beginning of the Civil War


5. Describe the life of the border States during the Civil War


6. Create a chart of the Civil War Battles


7. Journal entry from the Battle of Gettysburg


8. Create a one act play based on an incident during the Battle of Gettysburg or the Emancipation Proclamation


9. Create an argument that justifies the Emancipation Proclamation and the Unions victory at the Battle of Gettysburg as a major turning point of the war.


10. Describe the problems that the Union and the Confederacy faced with waging war in the West


11. Make 5 trading cards with the description of places or people in the Civil War


12. Interview Grant about the victory at Vicksburg


13. Draw a political Cartoon about the special powers that the Union or the Confederate governments used during the war


14. Create a Display about the American Culture during the Civil War


15. Create a commercial to raise money for war used by the Union or the Confederacy


16.  Write a journal entry from the view of a bystander at the signing of the surrender of Grant and Lee


17. Research  one of the Battles fought the last year of the Civil War and draw a map of the selected battle


18. Write a poem that the Civil War Soldier might have written after hearing that the war was over


B Level Assignments

Choose 1 Activity and Complete the B Level Assignment Sheet

Points Possible

Points Earned

Teachers Signature

19. What would life be like if Lee would not have surrendered?


20. How has the civil war changed the way wars are fought today?


21. What were the major turning points in the Civil War and Why?


A Level Assignment

Choose 1 Activity and Complete the A  Level Assignment Sheet

Points Possible

Points Earned

Teachers Signature

22. Even though the Civil War ended Slavery the race relations are still a mess today.  How can race relations be healed?


23.  Research slavery in today’s society and find out what is being done to end it.  What role do we play in the slavery issues of today?



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