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Spanish 1 Chapter 3


By Brenda Blanco, Twin Falls, Idaho

All work for layered curriculum must be complete with 80% of the information correct and on time to receive the maximum points possible. All work on the assignment sheet deals with the current  ch.

Everyone must do the required work or you will be docked one grade.


______ Level C. 50-69 pts MAX.  Indicates REQUIRED assignments                                                                                                                 





1.        ♥Verb chart w/pronouns (ir, estar, ser, tener, querer, poder, jugar)



2.        Do workbook 3-1 & -2 Mp 514 Ex. 1-3   



3.        Do a word scramble using 8 words from chapter, clues need to be Spanish sentences



4.        ♥Do workbook  3-3 &3 -4 Mp 515 Ex. 1-3      



5.        ♥Writing packet     



6.        Homework packet from other texts       



7.        ♥Do workbook  3-5 & 3-6 Mp 515-6 Ex. 1&2    



8.        Verb flash cards from current Ch. ½ pt for each one correct.



9.        Do audio exercises 3.1 -3.4



10.     ♥Do workbook  3-7,3-8 &3 -9 Mp 516 Ex. 3&4   



11.     ♥Country journal info/share




             Points Earned ____________

______  Level B: Choose ONLY one project and complete for a  max of  15 pts In order for this project to count you must have 55 points from the C layer.





1.   Design concept poster from this chapter using 10 vocabulary words and expanding with 5 new

     vocabulary words on the same concept.



2.  Create a 10 slide Power point presentation on vocabulary concept in this chapter and e-mail it to blancobr@tfsd.k12.id.us.   Use the vocabulary in Spanish sentences                                       



3.  Design high quality brochure for Spanish speaking country. New country ea. Ch. Must have 10+ pictures




______  Level A: Choose ONLY one project and complete for a max of 20  pts. All projects at this level will to be orally defended (5pt of total). You must complete a B project to be eligible to do an A layer project.





1.  Write(5pts) and perform a rap song using 20+ vocabulary words (10 pts)



2.  Write and illustrate a book using vocabulary from the Ch. Must be at least 6 pages but no more than 10. Must use 10 old words and 10 new words (10 pts).  You will read it to the class for 5 pts.



3. Write (5pts) and present (10pts) a 2-4 minute conversation using at least 20 words from current chapter.




____________total pts for A, B & C layers                                                                                                                   Total pts earned __________

Grades for this chapter of homework: 0-32=F   33-49=D  50-69=C   70-89=B   90+=A       

Grades will be weighted on the following scale for the grading period:

Exam                                                      33% of grade       Participation & quarter grade sheet                    10% of grade

Ch. work                                                                22% of grade       Maps/projects & videos                                     10% of grade

Quizzes                                                                  25% of grade


______________________________________       ___________________________________                  

Parent signature/date                                                          Student signature/date                                          

(Signatures and phone worth 2 points in “C” level)

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