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Spanish 1 Chapter 5


By Brenda Blanco, Twin Falls, Idaho

All work for layered curriculum must be complete with 80% of the information correct and on time to receive the maximum points possible. If not at the 80% level than correctives need to be completed within 3 days of returning papers to receive credit (max of 3 tries). All work must deal with current chapter information. Students who choose to not complete any required assignment will be dropped on full grade from the grade earned in the unit.


______ Level C. 50-78 pts MAX.  Indicates REQUIRED assignments                                                                                                



Due Date



1.        ♥Verb chart w/pronouns (comprar, desear, llamarse, *gustarse, tener, ser, estar, preferir, buscar, llevar, pagar, necesitar, creer, ir)




2.        Do workbook 5-1 to 5-4   




3.        Do workbook  5-5 TO 8  




4.        Writing packet




5.        ♥Más práctica: all exercises p 520-2    COPY INFO.




6.        Create a crossword using 10-20 words, must provide a key




7.        Homework packet from other texts       




8.        Do audio exercises 2-3 & 4




9.        ♥Do workbook  5-9 to 5-10   




10. Vocab. flash cards from current Ch. ˝ pt for each one correct.




11.  Parent signature





           points earned ____________

______  Level B: Choose ONLY one project and complete for a  max of  15 pts.





1.  Design concept poster on vocab using 10 old vocab words and expanding with 5 new vocab words.  

     Poster must have a consistent concept and not random vocabulary.



2.  Create a 15 slide Power point presentation in Spanish with graphics  and e-mail it to blancobr@tfsd.k12.id.us.                                        



3.  Design high quality brochure for Spanish speaking country(min of 10 pictures) Captions in Spanish




______  Level A: Choose ONLY one project and complete for a max of 20  pts. Conversations & songs must turn in a hard copy 2 days before presentation for proofing by teacher.





1.  Write and perform a rap song using 20+ vocabulary words.



2.  Write and illustrate a book using vocabulary from the Ch. Must be at least 6 pages but no more than 10. Must use 10 old words and 10 new words.  You will read it to the class.



3. Write and present a 2-4 minute conversation using at least 20 current ch. words.



___________Total from A, B & C                                                                                                                   Total pts earned___________

Grades for this chapter of homework: 0-34=F   35-49=D   50-78=C   79-99=B  100+=A       


Grades will be weighted on the following scale for the grading period:

Exam                                                      35% of grade       Participation & quarter grade sheet                    10% of grade

Ch. work                                                                22% of grade       Maps & videos                                                     5% of grade

Quizzes                                                                  28% of grade


______________________________________       ___________________________________                  

Parent signature/date                                                          Student signature/date                                          

(Signatures and phone worth 2 points in “C” level)

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