Unit Activities: Earth's History
by Jon Stern
New Paltz High School, New York
Unit Objectives
Use the principles of relative dating to reconstruct the geologic
history of a region.
Retrieve and interpret information about the earth's history
from appropriate resources.
Recognize the characteristics of an index fossil.
Construct a complete geologic column from several widely spaced
Understand how the variety of life on earth has changed over
Determine the age of a rock from radioactive decay data.
"C" Level Work (45 points maximum)
(underlined assignments are mandatory)
(*check the rubrics for this activity)
Take notes for each lesson: (10 points) *
Principles of Relative Dating
Correlating Rock
Absolute Dating
Lab: Relative Dating (5 points- lab)
Lab: Bedrock Correlation: (5 points- lab)
Worksheet: Earth's History: (5 points)*
Create a web page or PowerPoint presentation: (5 points)* The
page should include information from one of the unit lectures.
Flash Cards: (5 points)* Create flash cards using the following
words or terms- Principle of Superposition, Principle of Cross-Cutting
Relationships, Principle of Original Horizontality, Unconformity,
Half Life, Radioactivity, Rock Correlation, Index Fossil, Evolution
Book Work: (5 points)* Read or listen to Relative-Age Dating
of Rocks on Pp. 557-561 and complete study guide 21-2.
Video: Historical Geology: A Glimpse of the Earth's Past (5
points) Watch the video and complete the accompanying worksheet.
The video can be accessed online at www.unitedstreaming.org.
Type in the username newpaltzhigh and the password streaming
and type in the name of the video in the search field to locate
Book Work: (5 points)* Read or listen to Absolute-Age Dating
of Rocks on Pp. 562-565 and complete study guide 21-3.
Web Site Activities: (5 points each)* Go to the Earth's History
Unit on the class web site and follow any of the following links:
What Stories do Rocks Tell (ES2903) or How Has Life Changed
Over Geologic Time (ES3002). Be sure to write out the questions.
Internet Lab: Virtual Dating Isochron: (5 points-lab) Go to
the Earth's History Unit on the class web site and follow the
Virtual Datinge link. Complete the activity online and print
out the certificate once it has been completed.
Barronsregents.com On-line Practice Quiz: (5 points) Go to
the Earth's History Unit on the class web site and follow the
link to barronsregents.com. Log in or register if you have not
yet done so (there is an $11.95 one time fee). Follow the links
to the Earth's History Quiz and complete on line. You will be
allowed to make corrections.
"B" Level Work (10 points maximum)*
Geologic Time Scale: (10 points) Construct a geologic time
scale using adding machine tape, a picture of a clock, football
field or other object that can be given a scale. You must include
at least 15 major events in geologic history. Your diagram should
be neat and should include drawings or pictures. You must include
your calculations.
Stratigraphic Column: (10 points) Create a diagram that shows
a geologic cross section of the Catskills. Be sure to label
each layer with how old it is (or the name of the Period it
is from) and the name of the rock from which it is made. You
must also draw the layers with their correct rock symbols. Finally
include a brief 2 paragraph description of the geologic history
of the Catskills based on the diagram
"A" Level Work (15 points maximum)*
What evidence is there for the theory that an asteroid impact
caused the extinction of the dinosaurs? (15 points)
What are some common NY fossils and what do they tell us about
NY's geologic history? (15 points)