Unit Activities: Mapping
by Jon Stern
New Paltz High School, New York
Unit Objectives
Draw isolines on a field map.
Interpret topographic maps.
Create topographic profiles.
Calculate the gradient of a property on a field map.
"C" Level Work (65 points maximun)
(underlined assignments are mandatory)
(*check the rubrics for this activity)
Take notes for each lesson: (25 points) *
Isoline Maps (5 points)
Topographic Maps (contour interval, highest/lowest elevation,
scale, distance) (5 points)
Topographic Maps (depression contours, direction of river flow)
(5 points)
Gradient (5 points)
Topographic Profiles (5 points)
Create a web page: (10 points)* the page should include information
from one of the unit lectures.
Flash Cards: (10 points)* create flash cards using the following
words- contour interval, contour line, gradient, topographic
profile, depression contours, isolines, scale, elevation, field
Book Work: (5 points)* read Topographic Maps on Pp. 33-36 and
complete study guide 2-2.
Web Site Activity: (10 points)* go to the Mapping Earth Unit
on the class web site and follow the Exploring Earth link. Enter
Keycode ES0307 (How Are Landforms Represented on Flat Maps?)
Lab: Drawing Isolines: (5 points- lab)
Go to the Mapping Earth Unit on the class web site and follow
the Current US Air Pressures or Current US Temperatures links
in order to get the current US pressure or temperature map.
Draw the isobars using an interval of 4mb or the isotherms using
an interval of 10o F: (5 points-lab) challenging!
Complete "Additional Isoline Maps": (5 points- lab)
A New Paltz Flood: (5 points- lab)
Construct a topographic map from a 3-D model: (10 points- lab)
Build a Geoblox topographic landform model (10 points- lab)
using appropriate colors
Hyde Park Quad Questions: (5 points- lab)
Lab: More Profiles: (5 points)
Lab: Vertical Exaggeration: (5 points)
Worksheet- Gradient Review (5 points)*
Rosendale Quadrangle Questions: (10 points- lab)
Computer Activity: Introduction to Topographic Maps: (10 points)*
complete the worksheet
"B" Level Work (15 points maximum)*
Lab: Fantasy Island (15 points)
Lab: Design a Hiking Trail (15 points)
"A" Level Work (20 points maximum)*
How can topographic maps be helpful in determining where to
locate a dam? Be sure to refer to a least one specific example.
What topographic features or characteristics can't be accurately
represented by a topographic map?
What influence has modern technology had on the creation of
topographic maps?