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Momentum and Energy

Scott Wilson

Three Rivers Middle School

Cleves, Ohio

Unit Topic: Momentum/Energy *** indicates must do's NAME: _______________________________________ UNIT TOPIC: Momentum

Approximate # of days unit will last: 10-15 (2-3 weeks)

Objectives (what are we learning in this unit?): How to calculate momentum, kinetic, and potential energy. How to apply all three to real world situations.


A: 150-139à C-layers/ 1 B-layer/ 1 A-layer

B: 138-128à C-layers/1 B-layer

C: 127-114à C-layers

D: 113-104


"C" layer assignments (Maximum 126 pts)


1. National Standards Test (we will do this twice/ once at the beginning of the unit and once at the end of the unit) 5 pts for both tests

2. Participate in the "What do I know about momentum, kinetic energy, and potential energy?" (The points you receive are based on what you record into your "notes" section of your notebook about what you already know, as well as what you record into your notebook from the overhead) 5 pts ORAL DEFENSE


3. Listen to the lectures. Take notes. oral defense 5 pts for each lecture _____ momentum ______ kinetic energy ________ potential energy


4. Read chapter 6, section 2 of your book (pgs. 158-163). Do the section review questions 1 and 2 on page 163. Oral Defense 10 points

5. Read chapter 6, section 3 of your book (pgs. 165-168). Do the section review questions 1 and 2 on page 168) 10 points Oral Defense


***6. Complete the worksheet packet 20 pts ORAL DEFENSE

***7. "Science reasoning" 2 page thinker (4 questions): 15 pts (proficiency test preparation) Quizzes

8. Take the quiz on Momentum/Kinetic energy/potential energy. (you must show all work and score 100% to receive full credit) 15 points


9. Make vocabulary flashcards for the words on page 158 and 165. Learn them. Oral defense 10 pts O.D.


10. Participate in the "Momentum of Bowling Balls" demonstration. Record your observation(s)/calculations in your "lab" section and show Mr. Wilson Oral Defense 10 points


11. Watch the "Football/Momentum" video (Wilson and his football players). Calculate the momentum of the "player(s)" involved. 10 pts O.D.


12. Watch the brainpop video on "Kinetic Energy." List 5 things learned. Show to Mr. Wilson Oral Defense 10 pts

13. Design a power point presentation on momentum, kinetic energy and potential energy. Must have one cover slide and have a minimum o15. f 15 slides. 5 pts extra credit if your include 2 slides each also for speed, displacement, velocity, and acceleration. 20 pts


14. Ultimate Frisbee Lab. Submit your "typewritten" lab report to Mr. Wilson. Submit your "typewritten" lab report to Mr. Wilson. (follow Mr. W's lab format!) 10 pts. Oral defense

**15. **Potential energy Lab <<THE MOVIE "RUDY">>. (this lab will take 2-3 days whole classes and will be done in the science classroom) 20 pts Oral Defense 1. Explain how the scene when Rudy is getting hit by the Notre Dame football players demonstrates the "Law of Conservation of Momentum" 2. Calculate your gravitational potential energy while sitting in the chair watching the movie 3. Submit your "typewritten" lab report to Mr. Wilson

16. Participate in the "baseball/tennis ball" momentum lab. Calculate the "momentum" for each ball thrown 10 points

LABS-Demonstration (Mr. Wilsonà that's me: I demo. for you something cool and you learn while watching it happen!)

17. "Acceleration due to gravity" (Newton's 2nd law of Motion) apparatus/device. 10 pts

LABS-Small Group (up to 3 students per group)

18. . Page 166 Mini-Lab "observing energy transfer" using a weight and string. Put all data on the "lab sheet" provided by Mr. Wilson oral defense 10 points

LABS---FLYING-SOLO (no partners)

19. Page 164 "comparing collision" lab. Put all data on to the "lab sheet" provided by Mr. Wilson oral defense 10 points

20. Bounce a tennis ball. Describe the energy transformation (do this in your notes) that occurs when a tennis ball is tossed into the air and bounces on the floor before it is caught. 5 points


21. Design/AND SING a song about momentum/kinetic/potential energy based on Eminem's song "Lose yourself." You must rewrite the lyrics to "teach" the definitions/units/whatever else you want to include of the following words: momentum/potential energy, kinetic energy; and 2 of the following: speed, velocity, acceleration, displacement. Song must be rapped or sung and must include dance "recital. See Mr. Wilson if you want to work with some students from other classes 30 pts (I do not have the song without the lyrics so you will need to provide that for yourself)

22.Listen to the song "Gravity" by the band Pay the Girl. 10 pts 1. Analyze the song (tell me what it means on notebook paper) and answer the following questions: 2. How does this song improperly mention (in science terms) "forces are pulling you in?" 3. How does this song improperly mention (in science terms) "gravity?" 4. Do you like/ the song? What do you think of the song?

23. Design/AND PERFORM a skit about the speed/velocity/displacement/acceleration (skit must include at least 2 of the 4 terms listed) minimum of 1 min 30 sec. required 10 pts

Drawings/Designs/Writings(things involving creativity)

24. Design a poster which teaches on either momentum or potential / kinetic energy : ORAL DEFENSE 20 pts (see the rubric on Posters to understand what you need to do to earn an "A") ***you will need to provide your own poster board. Poster must be at least 3ft by 2ft in size 25. Design a "race track" using Balsa Wood. Show your track to the class and Mr. Wilson. Calculate the "kinetic" and "potential" energy of a marble over a distance of your track (Mr. Wilson will specify how much distance you are calculating for. To do this lab, you will need to purchase BALSA WOOD from an arts supply store (Mr. Wilson recommends "Michaels") 25 points

26. Select a sport and consider the role that momentum plays in that sport. Think of 5 actions in the sport and describe on paper how momentum is transferred in each action. 5 pts Oral Defense

27. Examine the "billiard balls" photograph. Measure the velocity of the balls before and after the collision (assuming the time elapsed between images is 1 second). Is momentum conserved in these collisions? 5 points

28. Identify energy transformations you experience in your daily life. In each instance, identify the form of energy and then describe the change. Minimum of 10 required. 10 points

29. Find pictures in magazines that illustrate energy transformations. Using poster board, paste the pictures on it (with colored paper behind your pictures to make them super-awesome to look at and your very best effort) and directly below each picture, provide a written (no spelling errors, cross-outs, or white out) or typewritten description identifying the energy transformation in the picture. Your poster must have at least 5 pictures. 10 points

30. Draw a picture, which demonstrates momentum in action (must be done in color and DOES NOT have to be on poster board) 10 points


31. Watch a sporting event. Provide a summary of the game as well as how momentum was demonstrated. 5 pts Oral Defense

32. Select a sport and consider the role that momentum plays in that sport. Think of 5 actions in the sport and describe on paper how momentum is transferred in each action. 5 pts Oral Defense

33. Consider what happens when two train boxcars of equal mass are on the same track in a train yard. To begin, the cars are located some distance apart on the track. The first car is pushed forward towards the second car, which is sitting at rest. If the first car is moving at 2 m/s when it bumps the stationary car, A. What happens to the second car after the first car comes into contact with it? B. What happens to the first car after it comes into contact with the second car? C. How does this relate the LAW OF CONSERVATION OF MOMENTUM? D. What happens if the first car is empty and the second car is twice as heavy? 10 points

34. Visit or call a bowling alley. Find out the "weight" of a bowling pin. Convert the "weight" of the pin to "mass" (use page 698 of your book to help you with this). Upon doing this, convert the "weight" of a 10 pound bowling ball to "mass." If you throw this 10 pound bowling ball at a rate of 10 meters per second towards the bowling pin calculate the total momentum of the "system" (bowling ball and bowling pin) before collision and after collision 15 points

"B" layer assignments (Choose one only)

35. Videotape a "demonstration" of momentum (this can be you and your friends or you videotaping something "happening"). After the demonstration, explain (do this on camera) how the Law of Conservation of Momentum is demonstrated. Creativity + Job-well done= possible extra credit??? 11 points

36. Design an experiment that demonstrates how to calculate the Potential energy of a ball dropped from a certain height 11 points

37. Design an obstacle course. Using only a meter stick, guide the bowling ball and tennis ball through the obstacle course. Calculate the speed, velocity, acceleration, and momentum of both the tennis ball and bowling ball. Submit your data to Mr. Wilson. Below your data, answer the following question: why is guiding the bowling ball through the obstacle course so much more difficult than with a tennis ball? Use the terms "inertia" and "momentum" in answering this question 11 pts A Layer Assignment (choose 1 only) 11 pts

(For a chance at full credit on "A" layer assignmentsà You MUST submit the following ) 1. Answer to the question (if a question is asked) 2. video presentation (2-5 minutes minimum) 3. 3 articles you research (actual articles need to be submitted/ NOT the websites) 4. A summary for each article *each summary needs 2 paragraphs paragraph #1: 8-10 sentences summarizing the article paragraph #2: 6-10 sentences stating your opinion of the article (did you like/dislike it/agree/disagree with it? critically evaluate the topic in this paragraph)

38. Are roller coasters safe? Conduct research to defend your opinion. Use Acceleration, momentum, and speed in your video presentation. Creativity + Job well done= Possible extra credit??? 11pts

39. . Research and evaluate(come up with your solution) to the "Traffic" problem on Interstate 75 Essentially, cars between 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. are constantly in traffic jams (i.e. waiting in 30 minute due to the way Interstate 75 was designed. In your evaluation include the "speed/velocity/momentum/acceleration" of trucks and why building a separate lane for truckers only is one solution to the problem that has been brought to the forefront. Is there another solution to the problem? Evaluate the problem through research.

Parents Signature (5 pts towards "C" layer)

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