Chemical Reactions Unit
Scott Wilson
Three Rivers Middle School
Cleves, Ohio
Name: __________________________________________
UNIT TOPIC: Chemical Reactions
Approximate number of SCHOOL (Mon-Fri) days on this
unit: 15 (3 weeks)
OBJECTIVES: Determine whether a chemical reaction
has occurred, describe how to read and understand a balanced
equation, distinguish reactions that absorb energy and those
that release energy, understand chemical nomenclature, describe
and explain how to describe and measure the speed of a chemical
A: 150-139à C-layers/ 1 B-layer/ 1 A-layer
B: 138-128à C-layers/1 B-layer
C: 127-114à C-layers
D: 113-104
C Layer assignments (maximum 126 pts/ not including
any extra credit you may receive
1. National Standards Test (we will do this twice/ once at
the beginning of the unit and once at the end of the unit) 5
pts for each test
2. Listen to the lecture on chemical reactions. Take notes
and show to Mr. Wilson. O.D. 5 pts
for each lecture
________ Physical/Chemical Change _______ Chemical/Word Equations
______ Endo/Exothermic Reactions
________ Activation energy/Reaction Rate _______ Inhibitors/Catalysts
_______ Nomenclature
3. Read chapter 5 and complete any 4 questions from the 2 section
reviews (pgs 121-129) (pgs 132-137) 15 pts
4. Make vocabulary flashcards of the words on pages 122 and
132. Learn them. Oral defense 10 points
Worksheets (a little math)
5. Do the Worksheet packet oral defense
20 pts
**6. Thinker Packet (Must do) 15 pts
7. Design a powerpoint presentation, which "teaches" chemical
reactions and "nomenclature." (minimum 10 slides) 20
Must include pictures PERTAINING to
the slide subject. Save to Mr. W's computer on the "C" drive.
Email a copy to Mr. W. at the following address:
8. Watch the Brainpop video on "pH scale." List 10 things you
learned 10 pts
9. Watch the Brainpop video on "Property Changes." List 5 things
you learned 10 pts.
10.Watch the Brainpop video on "Acids and Bases." List 5 things
you learned. 10 pts
11.Go to the following website: 10 pts\whatsup\react\wu_react.html
a. Match each poem with it's correct photograph
b. Write a 2-4 sentence summary about each correct "answer
(there are seven total poems so you'll need to have 7 summaries!)
12. Go to the following website:
10 pts
a. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and using your mouse,
verify the formulas by listing the total number of atoms of
each element for the following:
Water, Methane, Benzene, Butane, Aspirin, Caffeine
13.Go to the following website:
10 pts
a. Do the Balancing Equations exercises. Show Mr. Wilson when
you are finished.
14. Go to the following website:
10 pts
1. read the following article: Paint Changes Color To Reveal
Corrosion On Aircraft
2. Write a 1 paragraph 6-10 sentence summary about the article
15. Go to the following website:
a. Read the following article: Vesicle Chemistry: A New Way
To Get Life-Like Reactions
b. Write a 1 paragraph 6-10 sentence summary about the article
16. Go to the following website:
10 pts
a. Balance all the equations listed.
b. Show Mr. Wilson when you are finished
Hands-on activities
17. Use different markers/crayons/colored pencils colors/shadings
to draw representations of a formula 10 pts
such as MgCl2, H2CO3, Al2O3
18. Use coins, or other objects to model balancing the chemical
equations in the PAGE 129 section assessment question #1. 5
19. Use a scale and weights to demonstrate the law of conservation
of mass 10 pts
20. Elephant's Toothpaste. Explain to Mr. W. how/why the reaction
occurred. 10 pts
21. Dehydration of sugar by sulfuric acid reaction. Explain
to Mr. W. how/why the reaction of occurred. 10 pts
Skits and songs
22.Choose one of Eminem's songs "Without me" or "Sing for the
moment" and rewrite the lyrics so that the song is about "chemical
bonding." Your song must include the following terms: rate
of reactions, inhibitor, catalyst, chemical reaction, reactant,
product, endothermic, exothermic. Perform the song as a
group on camera at school or at home. 20 pts
23. Make a video at your house or somewhere outside of school
about chemical reactions (sky's the limit on this; you can do
a "game show," "newscast," "commercial-advertisement," Etc (or
something you come up with!) Present the video to Mr. Wilson.
Video must be at least 3 minutes long. Video must
include all of the vocab words for chapter 5 15 pts
24. Design a skit about chemical reactions. Skit must be at
least 2 minutes long and involve 4 of your vocab words. O.D.
15 pts
Minilabs (labs you can do at home!)
25. Chapter 5 minilab pg. 136 "Uncovering Inhibitors." Record
your analysis questions. Oral defense 10 pts
26. Chapter 5 minilab pg. 124 "Observing a chemical change"
Record your analysis questions Oral Defense 10 pts
Labs (Sign-up sheets are posted on
the blue wall)
27. Exothermic/Endothermic lab on page 130 (you will need to
sign up for this lab. It will be only done on Thursdays
or Fridays. Maximum of 3 per group) 10 pts
28. Potassium Iodide Reaction lab (you will need to sign up
for this lab. It will be only done on Thursdays or Fridays.
Maximum of 4 per group 10 pts
***This lab will only be performed during the
FIRST 2 weeks of the unit. Sign-up is limited
first come/ first serve
29. Double Displacement Reactions Lab (you will need to sign
up for this lab. It will be only done on Thursdays or
Fridays. Maximum of 3 per group) 10 pts
30. Calcium Chloride lab (you will need to sign up for this
lab. It will be only done on Thursdays or Fridays
Maximum of 3 per group) 10 pts
31. Design a test over chapter 5. Must have 5 multiple choice,
4 matching, 3 true/false, 2 fill in the blank and 1 short answer.
Include an answer sheet with your test 15 pts
32. Take the test over chapter 5. You must score 80% of better.
15 pts
33. Research what the term "precipitate" means. Present your
findings to Mr. Wilson Oral Defense 5 pts
34. Research what a "catalyst" is (use at least 2 resources
besides your science text book!). What are the different types
of catalysts and what are they used for? 10 pts
35. Research the Chernobyl disaster. What exactly happened?
What were the sequence of events leading up to it? What were
some of the health and physiological consequences? Social, economic,
and political consequences? Environmental consequences? What
could have been done to prevent it? Put your answer in essay
form. O.D. 20 pts
36. Write a short story (minimum of 1 page) about chemical
reactions. Include all the vocab words in your story. 15
37. Draw a picture of an endothermic and exothermic reaction.
10 pts
38. Draw a picture of a chemical reaction involving a catalyst
and inhibitor 10 pts
39. Draw a comic strip involving chemical reactions (use at
least 4 of your vocab words in your comic strip) 10
40. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting chemical and
mathematical equations. 5 pts
41. Write a paragraph comparing and contrasting chemical and
mathematical equations. 5 pts
42. Come up with 10 words which begin with "en" (where "en"
means "in") and 10 words which begin with "ex" (where "ex" means
out). "ex-boyfriend" does
not qualify as a word!! 5 pts
43. Make up a crossword puzzle using the vocabulary words in
chapter 5 10 pts
44. Write Chemical equations for the following reactions: 10
a. sodium reacts with aluminum
chloride to form sodium chloride and aluminum
b. Potassium bromide reacts with chlorine to produce potassium
chloride and bromine
c. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down into water and oxygen
45. Determine whether each of the following is a chemical or
physical change: 5 pts
growth of a tree, butter melting, use of foods in your body,
gas escaping from a soda, gasoline used in an auto, a lake freezing
46. Write a balanced equation for the reaction: 2NO + H2 à
2NH3 + 2H2O 10 pts
47. State to Mr. Wilson an example of a balanced equation,
unbalanced equation and what makes these equations balanced/unbalanced.
5 pts
48. State whether each of the following is an example of an
exothermic or endothermic
reaction and why 10 pts
a. A cold compress pack is activated by your hands squeezing
b. A highway flare is activated
c. Water breaking down into hydrogen and oxygen
49. List on paper whether each of the following is an example
of an inhibitor or a catalyst 5 pts
a. BHT (Butyl hydroxytoluene) used to slow the spoilage of
cereal; thus increasing shelf life
b. Enzymes in your body (these help your body convert food
to fuel;, build bone/muscle tissue)
c. Ice melting
50. Tape a 5-10 minute "conversation" about chapter 4 onto
a cassette or video tape with your parents.. Your conversation
must include all the vocab words as well as a basic/overall
explanation about the key points from chapter 5 15 pts
51. Make a balanced chemical equation using candy of your choice
52. Any other assignments Mr. Wilson/Miss Hoying come up with
during the unit.
_________ ___________ ____________ ___________
B layer assignments (Choose 1 only)
53. Research how cabbage juice is used in ACID/BASE indicator
Tests. Using cabbage juice, design/perform a lab (in class)
proving how cabbage juice can be used in ACID/BASE indicator
tests. 12 pts
54. Design/perform an experiment to determine the rate of spoilage
of two pieces of bread, one containing an inhibitor (such as
BHT) and the other containing no inhibitor. Present your findings
to Mr. Wilson in Proper LAB format 12 pts
A layer assignment
(For a chance at full credit on "A" layer assignmentsà
You MUST submit the following ):
1. Answer to the question (if a question is asked)
2. video presentation (2-5 minutes minimum)
3. 2 articles you research (actual articles need to
be submitted/ NOT the websites)
4. A summary for each article
*each summary needs 2 paragraphs
paragraph #1: 8-10 sentences summarizing the article
paragraph #2: 6-10 sentences stating your opinion of the
(did you like/dislike it/agree/disagree with it? critically
evaluate the topic in this paragraph)
55. Consider the statement "We are rapidly using up our natural
resources." After doing research, in your video presentation
take a stance as to whether we are or are not using our natural
resources. Consider the law of conservation of mass/matter when
answering this statement) 12 pts
PARENT SIGNATURE: __________________________________________________
(5 pts towards "C" layer)