Michele Igleheart
Saudi Aramco American Schools Spanish
Abqaiq, Saudi Arabia
Cumpleaños (Birthday) En Español
Me Llamo_____________________. Unit Sheet
Telling dates in Spanish Hora ____ Para (due)__________
Section I "C Level"
Maximum 65 points
1. ___ Listen to the Date/Birthday lecture & take notesfirst
day only (5 puntos) 2. ___ Make flashcards on Date/Birthday
words in Español (10 puntos) 3. ___ Study flashcards
on Date/Birthday words in Español (5 puntos) 4. ___ Make
a Date/Birthday vocab. worksheet, test or quiz in Español
& have 3 students work it. Be sure to grade & return
to students afterwards. (10 puntos)
5. ___ Make a word search-Buscapalabras using Spanish
Date/Birthday words & have 3 other students work it (10
6. ___ Work a Date/Birthday worksheet, or word search (5 puntos
each) 7. ___ Do/Studay pages 26-31 in your Spanish folder (10
puntos) 8. ___ Design a "Date/Birthday" poster using at least
10 words (10 puntos) 9. ___ Make a class birthday calendar with
everyone's birthday (10 puntos) 10. ___ Read & take notes
- Spanish text "Paso a Paso1a" page 17 (5 puntos) 11. ___ Listen
& repeat the Date/Birthday vocabulary in Español
on CD# 7-track# 4. Follow along in the textbook "Paso a Paso
1a" on page 17. Pay attention to the words in the blue box.
(5 puntos)
12. ___ Write & Act out a short skit in Español
telling a date or birthday, perform for at least 3 other students.
(10 puntos)
13. ___ Find, Print, & Show the class an article on the
Internet that has dates or birthday written out in Español.
Highlight all the dates &/or birthdays (5 puntos)
14. ___ Play the Koosh Ball game with numbers & months
(5 puntos) 15. ___ Roll the dice, say number & month -5
minutos (5 puntos) 16. ___ Find/Print/Show 3 e-birthday cards
in Spanish on the Internet - (10 puntos) 17. ___ Listen to and
follow along to the traditional MX b-day song "Las Mañanitas"
On Paso a Paso 1a CD #5 track #15 (5 punots)
18. ___ Write today's date on the chalkboard in a complete
sentence. For example: Today is Monday, the first of May (but
in Spanish, of course!). (5 puntos)
Section II "B Level"
Choose any two.
1. ___ Find and Read to a group of at least 3 students a children's
birthday book in Español. Or a book that has dates, days,
months. (10 puntos)
2. ___ Tell your birthday & 2 friend's birthdays in Español
plus read a birthday that I give you. (10 puntos) 3. ___ Memorize
& sing "Las Mañanitas" to a group of 3 students.
(10 puntos). 4. ___ Do the group speaking Actividad on p 32
in your Spanish folder. (10 puntos).
Section III "A Level"
Choose only one.
1. ___ Ask me when my birthday is. Tell me when your birthday
is. Ask me how old I am. Tell me how old you are. Tell me today's
date and tomorrow's. (15 puntos)
2. ___ Take & Pass a spelling test over all the
birthday/date vocabulary (15 puntos)
5 points earned by daily participation and clean up.
This is a good way to earn an A+. Muchas gracias estudiantes!