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Introduction to Physiology (Bio 321, Fall 2001)

Dr Kevin Long, California State University

Unit 1: Cell physiology and chemistry

Grading: 86-100 A, 71-85 B, 55-70 C, and 40-54 D.

C Level (all must be done)

1. Attend lectures

2. Review material in text readings

3. 1 scheduled quiz {20pts}

4. 1 cumulative exam at end of unit {30pts}

5. Choose a primary source article about a topic in this unit. In a concise (3 paragraph essay) please explain:

(1) the relevance to the unit topic;

(2) previous work which prompted the study;

(3) and what should be done next to extend the research, if worthwhile.

{20pts: style 5pts and content 15pts}

B Level (Choose one) {15pts}

1. Design an experiment to discriminate between chemical diffusion, osmosis, facilitated diffusion and active transport through a membrane. Be specific about predictions and interpretations!

2. Make a teaching chart explaining organelles responsible for cellular function. Describe which organelles are found in different cell types and why. Be prepared to explain your chart to both layman and professionals.

3. Explain in detail the theory of the lipid bilayer cell membrane. Include possible structures, chemical and physical properties associated with such a membrane.

4. Describe the four classes of organic molecules and explain the underlying chemistry, which gives them their unique properties.

5. Make models of several molecules that interact in the cellular environment. Be prepared to explain your models and their action to both layman and professionals.

A Level (Choose one) {15pts}

1. Write a paper (150-300 words) using at least 2 references on one of the following issues. Take a stand and support your opinion.

a. The lipid bilayer, DNA structure, and even atomic structure are described as theories. What are the facts and what are theories? Should we trust these models if they are unproven?

b. It has been suggested that multicellular physiology is just an expanded version of unicellular physiology, and that no real advantage exists to being multicellular or having extensive organ systems. Would do you think?

c. Argue for or against vitalism and the mechanistic view of life. How can we discriminate between them and prove one over the other? How might this impact research in physiology?

2. Prepare a scientific poster or oral presentation describing modern issues or methods in physiology; their pros and cons, and ethical considerations. Be prepared to present this information to the class.


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