Teaching Stu. w/ Disabilities in Gen. Ed.
Physiology 321
Cell Physiology and Chemistry
Physiology 321
Cellular Communication and the Nervous System
Psychology - college
AP Biology - Birds/Mammals
AP Biology - Animal Systems
AP Biology - Fish/Amphibians
Cultural Diversity
Humanities 1100
Negro Leagues Baseball Unit
Word 2003 Project 1
Word 2003 Project 4
Word 2003 Project 2
Word 2003 Project 5
Word 2003 Project 3
Word 2003 Project 6
Choice Magazine
Microsoft Publisher Unit - College
Microsoft Publisher Test - College
Teachers as Leaders: Roles and Responsibilities - Practicum
Methods and Models of Instruction for the Academically Intellectually Gifted (AIG)
Characteristics of the Academically Intellectually Gifted (AIG)